Yak, yak. Don't waste your time. Read, read something else. Sometimes I think I read a book at the wrong time. I've been moving my classroom, trying to prepare lesson plans, and have been suffering from a lot of fibromyalgia pain this week so maybe all that influenced my take on this book. At one point in my reading I looked down at the page number - 203. I thought, "Why am I still reading this?!" But I finished it out.
There have been some good reviews on this book, but I thought it dragged. That could be because I was reading while experiencing a lot of pain, so I expect anything would have dragged. That's all I have to say about this book.
Bummer! Well, actually maybe that's good news. One book I don't have to read. :)
So...you're a teacher? What grade or subject? I am as well, but I'm laid off at the moment. :( I'm #7 on the call back list. So it's still a wait and see game.
Joy, I teach a study/life skills class at the highschool. Until last year I taught Biology. Starting this year I only teach 2 classes every other day. My students are all youth-in-custody, either foster children or on probation. So what age group do you teach? Has school started for you yet? Good luck with the call back. Is your district downsizing?
Thank you for teaching those children. It takes a special kind of person/teacher to take on children of need and I bet you have received many rewards for doing so. Many happy thoughts are being sent your way as you begin this school year. :)
As for me...yes, we closed 7 elementary schools! I used to work for another district (6th grade middle school/math and science), then moved to this district last year. I worked as a part-time learning specialist. Virtually I worked with students that didn't qualify for special services, but were failing. I mainly worked with 4th - 6th in the area of math, but also created an enrichment storytelling club for 3rd - 6th. School begins after Labor Day this year. Unfortunately, I may have to sub for a while. UGH! I'm hoping something opens up asap.
Glad I'm not tempted to read this book. I hate the cover. I hope this isn't a new cover trend of zooming minutely into one feature of the face. I guess I prefer looking at headless bodies.
hi, booklogged!
Yes, this book did get a lot of rave reviews, but its been my experience that books that get a lot of publicity seldom live up to the hype. I don't think I'm going to bother with this one.
Wishing you a pain free day - hope you feel better soon!
I hope you're feeling better soon, especially as school is starting.
I'm so sorry you're feeling awful. It must be so difficult to drum up back-to-school excitement when you don't feel well.
Good luck with the return. Tomorrow is my first day with students. I have to admit, I'm pretty excited. :-)
Framed, I like the headless women much better than the close-up mouth. I'll hope along with you that this is not a new trend.
Lotus, Bellezza, and L.Mama, thanks for your well wishes. I have started feeling much better. Thank Goodness! I appreciate your caring comments.
I read some rave reviews as well, but the reviews from real readers have been much cooler.
Hope you are feeling better. The stress of the start of school is enough to lower the immune system.
When I first saw this book on the bookshelf. I thought. "I could never read that book because the cover would drive me crazy!" Glad to hear it isn't something I'm missing out on.
Hey, booklogged, I followed your link over from my Bluestalking blog and was really glad to see this review of Talk, Talk, as I read the first couple of chapters but couldn't decide if I should juggle everything else I have going on and try to get further in this book or not. I feel less guilty admitting defeat and moving on if I do decide to throw in the towel, after reading what you thought of it. Love your blog and will definitely investigate further.
Two blogs I write, one for my library and the one for Identity Theory I contribute to weekly are both on blogger, as well. I like Blogger but it keeps disappearing on me periodically! Not sure what's up with that.
But I like your blog!
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