
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Prodigal Son (Dean Koontz's Frankenstein)

by Dean Koontz (Read September 2006) Rating 4.5/5
I absolutely love Koont'z fast-paced thrillers. I have been saving his Frankenstein series until all three books were released because I've watched the anquish experienced by my husband and sister in having to wait for book 3. I'd have been successful except for the R.I.P. Challenge. The temptation to add this to my list of 5 eerie tales was too much. If one of the books I have on order doesn't show up by the end of Sep. I will go ahead and read City of Night for the R.I.P. challenge as well.

Dr. Frankenstein has survived into the 21st century, masquerading as biotech tycoon Victor Helios. Helios wants to replace flawed humanity with his New Race, people born and fermented in tanks, their personalities programmed by him, their imperfections removed in the lab. But at least one of his creations has become a serial killer, trying to assemble the perfect woman from parts of many. Deuchalion, Frankenstein's first attempt at creating life, leaves the tranquility of a monastery and moves to New Orleans to help a likeable cop team uncover the mysteries lying behind the bizarre murders.

Koontz weaves together a great modern-day Frankenstein story that keeps you turning the pages. The characters are so well-defined. I love the cops, Carson and Michael, and want to continue reading about them. Also, the autistic teenager created by Helios. I will need to wait until book 2 to learn what will be his fate. And Deuchalion is very likeable. It seems as Dr. Frankenstein (Helios) becomes more bizarre, that Deuchalion becomes more human like.
I really liked this book. I love Koontz. While reading about some of the bizarre characters, I had to ask myself, Why?! Why do I like this stuff? I guess that even though the circumstance of a modern day Frankenstein is highly unlikely, Koontz makes it seem plausible. And the suspense is great. And maybe I'm crazy?! Anyway, it was a perfect R.I.P. Challenge book.


Kailana said...

Man, now I want to read this! I have read a few Koontz books but I have been eyeing this trilogy lately...

Myke Weber said...

Hooray! Now we can finally have a conversation about Frankenstein!

Anonymous said...

I read a bunch of Koontz books in high school. Then I lost interest in that genre. Him and Stephen King. I have found it hard to read anything too creepy/scary. They give me bad dreams. These Frankenstein books do sound interesting though.

Carl V. Anderson said...

It is always a difficult decision as to whether to read books like this or wait until they all come out because it is agonizing to wait for the next book in the series. Glad you enjoyed it and that you knocked it out already for R.I.P.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read a Koontz book in forever! I hadn't heard about this series but it sounds good.

Lotus Reads said...

Shame on me, but I've never read a Koontz book! Glad you liked it, booklogged and congrats for getting started on the RIP challenge!

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

I know that feeling of savouring the delicious joys of waiting for a favourite author.
You have so many priceless joys in your life, Booklogged. The kind that money cannot buy and yet if you miss them, you stay poor.
Through the love of literature, you found that gift.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know the third book of the Frankenstein series was out! I read the first one, a year or two ago and have been waiting. I'll now refresh myself with 1 and move on to book 2 and 3. Wonderful review!

Booklogged said...

Oooo, Jasmin, I didn't make myself clear in my post. The 3rd book is not out yet. I meant to say that the RIP challenge enticed me to read book 1 before I would have. Thanks for the visit, though.

Patricia Pomeroy Tanner said...


I love books, also. Right now I am reading a Victoria Holt called Snare of Serpents.

I am also and author. I don't know if you would like what I write or not but please check out my blog.


Anonymous said...

ooh.. I love Koontz, but have only read a few. I'm going to have to check this set out.