Rating: 4/5
Listened to the audio while driving to and from work and around town. It takes quite awhile to listen to a book when you live in a small town. I only live 4 minutes from the high school where I work. I get most of my listening in while waiting in line for chicken selects. Sometimes I think a longer commute would serve my listening library better.
I enjoyed the story and thought the infamous Hercule Poirot was quite charming. Hugh Fraser did a nice job of reading. I must of heard of the plot sometime in my life, because I figured out the solution to the murder early in the story. I don't know that I'll be rushing to read anymore of Agatha Christie's work, but it's nice to be introduced to her work.
Hi, Booklogged!
I'm embarrassed to say (why I don't know) that I haven't read any Agatha Christie. ?
I totally empathize with you about the audio version/distance problem. I live 2 miles away from "work". I don't even attempt to listen in the car anymore. :( I now focus on listening when I'm getting ready in the morning or doing housework.
love, love, love this book!
actually, anything written by Christie..
Over on my blog (random jottings) I have just written about detective stories, including Dame Agatha, as this year I seem to have read so many I am going to call it the year of the Detective. This is one of her best
Ohhh, booklogged, there was a time I read nothing but Agatha Christie, I just couldn't get enough of her books, ofcourse, that was a long time ago, but I would love to reread some of my favorite Christie novels and "Murder on the Orient Express" is definitely one of them! Thanks so much for the review!
I've never read any Agatha Christie either! And I don't have much of a commute - maybe 15 minutes tops, so I rarely, if ever, listen to audio books.
I either read this years ago or I started reading it, never finished it, and wrote a book report on it. Don't know which. I should try it again.
Hello, Joy. Someday you should try Agatha. She's famous for a reason!
Angela, with that kind of encouragement, I think I'll check out another. Thanks.
I've been over and read your post, Emasl. It must have been a fun year. How could a year dubbed 'The Year of the Detective' be anything but fun.
Lotus, I did realize that you read mysteries. This last year most of your reviews have leaned towards drama/real life - always exciting, but not suspense/mysteries. I've learned something new about you.
I'm amazed, Lesley, at how much I get listened to in those little snippets of time. Even more amazing, I generally follow the story really well.
Cardine, do you want me to tell you how it ends?
You're absolutely right booklogged - I do love real life drama, just have difficulty getting into a fictional, thriller kind of mystery. I grew up on Nancy Drew and then Agatha Christie and other whodunits, so sometimes I wonder why I drag my feet when it comes to other books in the genre or similar genres! :)
Thanks for the offer! I think I'll re-read it sometime, probably.
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