- Northanger Abbey
by Jane Austen (I've only read Austen's Pride and Prejudice, but would like to read all her books that are going to be featured on Masterpiece Theater starting in January.)
- Luncheon of the Boating Party
by Susan Vreeland
- Latitudes of Melt
by Joan Clark
- Scarlet Pimpernel
by Emmuska Orczy
- Eye of the Needle
by Ken Follett
- Bridge of San Luis Rey
by Thorton Wilder
- The Cricket on the Hearth
by Charles Dickens
Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Northanger Abbey. I haven't read any Austen, but I've seen most of the BBC productions of her stuff. Haven't seen Northanger Abbey though, so I'm thinking I want to read something that I don't know much about. So I'll probably start my exploration into the world of Austen with that one!
Wow. I'm impressed by your ability to take on all these challenges!
Oh I am so excited for the Masterpiece theater showings. You'll have to keep me updated as to when they start. I love it.
Very Impressive list!! Since I just got a whole batch of books to review, I will probably be joining in!!
I can't wait to read all your wonderful reviews!
I like this challenge and the previous one but if I join one more it is entirely possible that my brain will explode. I'm frankly surprised it hasn't happened yet!
I want to read all those books, except Northanger Abbey and the Pimpernell,becasue I've read both. The rest - definitely want to read. I'll be looking for your reviews. Latitudes of Melt is something to do with Nfld?
Chris, I'm not sure if the Masterpiece Theater site has the presentations listed in order, but if they do, Northanger Abbey will be showing in March. You have a bit of time still. It will be nice to compare notes.
Heather, it doesn't take a lot of ability to take on the challenges. It's getting them all read that presents problems. I had to do several overlaps to fit this challenge into the schedule, but there are 2 that aren't on other challenges. I'm sick, but I don't want to know about the cure. At least, not yet.
Cassie, I will try to keep us both abreast of days and times on the showings. As far as I know right now, there will be one a month for 6 months. Cool, huh?
Stephanie, I'll be over to check out your list. I know I shouldn't because I know there will be much temptation involved. I'll be over anyway.
Heather, the advantage I have is that my brain exploded long ago and one part doesn't communicate with the other parts. So "we" really don't know what's really going on. There are advantages to everything!
Raidergirl3, Latitudes of Melt is definitely Nfld. I'm reading one right now that took place in Nova Scotia. I want to come back to the Maritimes.
i just listened to northanger abbey on audio. it was sweet and entertaining.
That's a great list. Northanger Abbey is my least favorite Austen novel but I adore Emma. I can't wait for the Masterpiece Theater shindig.
I'm reading Northanger Abbey for Fall into Reading too!
Happy fall reading!
So many books look interesting on your list!!I will have to check them out.
I love that you're reading Austen. I plan to read all of her works, but I probably won't get any more done this year (I just finished pride and prejudice). But in 2008, I plan to do a LOT of visiting with Austen :)
Love the Jane Austen books....great list :)
Some really serious literature there...good for you.
i'm a bit "classics challenged" but i'll be looking forward to your reviews. maybe you'll inspire me!
I've read a couple of these, but must admit that I usually have to force myself to read the classics. I'm not sure why, though, since I almost always end up enjoying them. Thanks for joining the challenge!
I've never read Jane Austen, but am looking for a good book of hers to begin with. If you have any thoughts, please let me know!
Oh you have a nice list of classics! Enjoy the challenge!
What a great list...and that is also what I love about this challenge....casual and with no pressure! Perfect. Enjoy your reading.....Austen is great!
Good list! I look forward to your reviews:-)
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