The plan is to read 12 books, each a 1st in a Series, between Jan and Dec 2008. I'm very excited because there are some wonderful series I've been looking forward to reading and a challenge pushes me to do that. So here's my list, in no particular order. (The * indicates a book I own.)
1. Truckers by Terry Pratchett (The Bromeliad Trilogy - children)An alternate (just in case): A Thousand Bones by PJ Parrish (Joe Frye - mystery, suspense)
2. *O'Artful Death by Sarah Stewart Taylor (Sweeney St. George - mystery)
3. *Magyk by Angie Sage (Septimus Heap - fantasy)
4. *Fool's Puzzle by Earlene Fowler (Benni Harper - mystery)
5. *Murder on the Rocks by Karen MacInerney (Gray Whale Inn - mystery)
6. *Jane and the Unpleasantness of Scargrave Manor (Jane Austen - mystery)
7. *The Singer of All Songs by Kate Constable (Chanters of Tremaris Trilogy - YA fantasy)
8. *Them Bones by Carolyn Haines (Sarah Booth Delaney - mystery)
9. Only You Can Save Mankind by Terry Pratchett (Johnny Maxwell - children's suspense)
10. 16 Lighthouse Road by Debbie Macomber (Cedar Cove - mystery)
11. Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett (starter novel in the Witches Series of Discworld - fantasy)
12. *Still Life by Louise Penny (Three Pine - mystery)
I lean rather heavily towards mysteries. That's one reason I'm doing this challenge is to read more mysteries in 2008. I just didn't get my fill this year. If you would like to check out some of the challenges I want to start you may go this this blog, What? Another Series! And if you really are bored at this moment you can check out the list of series I am already into by clicking on my Serial Hit List. Mostly these sites are to help me keep track, but if they provide you with any help, please feel free to give them a look/see.