It's Buy a Friend a Book Week and I would like to give one of my online friends a book. Know that this gift is given for no good reason. If it's your birthday, I don't want to hear about it. Anniversary? Not a chance. This is a no-strings-attached present given just because.
Leave a comment telling me the title of a book you would like (please, under $15*) and I will enter your name for the drawing. I will post the winning name on this site on Oct. 5 in the evening sometime.
BAFAB week is celebrated four times a year, during the first weeks of January, April, July and October. If you're interested in taking part in Buy a Friend a Book Week yourself, visit for the details. Enjoy the read!
Click here for a list of other bloggers participating.
*How about a paperback or a used book in good condition. And if the book you choose is a bit over $15 that will be okay, too.
Ohhh! How exciting! I'd ask for Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy.
Hey, you didn't tell us what book YOU'D ask for!
Hey Booklogged,
Thanks so much for visiting my photo blog!!
I'm curious what book you'd ask for, too. The only book I can think of that I want (off the top of my head - there's always something) would be The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins.
Bookfool, still incognito
booklogged, what a wild idea! Presents in October, how fun is that?! If I were to win, would you choose something for me? I love your taste. Wait, I would be very excited to read the second Outlander book with you.
Bookfool, you're not that incognito. :)
I did enter for a drawing at Write From Karen's site. I asked for The Triangle by Katharine Weber. The chance to win a free book makes me tingle all over! Almost as exciting is hosting a drawing. Good Luck to you two and HEY! get on over to Karen's site for another chance to win.
Hmmm, do I count for this drawing or are all family members of affiliated persons ineligible? JK. I think it's a great idea for you to buy one of your online friends a book and it wouldn't be nearly as fun if I won, so I decline to enter. Plus I have no time to read unfortunately. You could always buy me one of my text books...that doesn't quite meet your <$15 rule. :)
Oh! What fun!!! I'm going to check out the site asap. I think I would like...THE BOOK THIEF (Zusak). I saw it at Costco for $9.99. :) Thanks for adding this fun to our blogging life!
Alyson!!! ~ I've been wondering where you've been. Glad to know you are okay. :)
Too cool! Based on the newest post by Lesley at I would have to say that Sleep, Pale Sister by Joanne Harris sounds like a good book to me.
I don't see any problem putting family members in for the drawing. I plan to do this honestly so noone has any advantage over anyone else.
Happy Buy A Friend a Book Week!
None for me; I'm busy sorting out the winners at my own site and buying all of THEM books.
Just wanted to wish you a successful contest with lots of entries.
Don't you just adore BAFAB! I would choose In His Own Write by John Lennon. :D
Hope you have a marvelous BAFAB week!
I'd choose Alentejo Blue by Monica Ali.
Thanks Booklogged.
There's so many. I'll say "the Ride of Our Lives" by Mike Leonard or "Journeyer" by Gary Jennings, and you can choose which one. So it would be a double surprise.
I would like Charles Dickens Four Complete Novels, but only if you could get it for less than $15.
Or, The Chosen by Chaim Potok, Don Quixote (in Spanish), or Les Miserables (abridged in English).
But, perhaps you should give it to someone who reads more than I do. I have tons of books I haven't read yet. I just thought I'd participate because I read your blog and like it.
First time to your site. Linked here from deblog (which I discovered only a couple of weeks ago). Fun fun.
My choice would be The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.
Awwww, what a lovely gesture booklogged, I would love to try my luck!
Let's see, my choice would be:
THe Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai
( I think it's out in paperback)
Sweet! I love this week of celebration. What a great idea.
I would like Land of Laughs by Jonathan Carroll.
Oh how fun! I'll go with "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon as so many people rave about that book and I keep meaning to read it! :)
What a fun idea and how kind & generous of you to host a drawing. I have far too many books in my stacks with a library sale starting on Thursday, so I'll pass this time around. :)
Wow, it's generosity month in the blogosphere! I'd go for The Labyrinth of Solitude by Octavio Paz - it's on my tbr list for South America! And good luck with your own request Booklogged.
I think I'd enjoy For One More Day
by Mitch Albom. I'd be interested in what book you'd like someone to buy you.
Fun idea! I love giving away books.
Darn, I thought I was completely unrecognizable in that photographer's pose, Bellezza. LOL
I shouldn't have read everyone's responses. I kept thinking, "Wait! I'd rather have that--or that!" I should just give away books, instead of trying to win one. Triangle sounds great. But, hey, it's over $15! Now you've really got me missing my outlet bookstore! Sob.
There are so many good books in the world! I think, though, that I'd ask for I Was A Teenage Popsicle by Bev Katz Rosenbaum.
I hadn't heard of Buy A Friend A Book Week! Cool idea, though.
This is so cool!
I love this idea. Alas, I'm seriously trying to downsize and have vowed to get all my books from the library for the next while (at least until I can remove all of the children's books off my shelves and make room for more of my own).
I will be very interested to see who wins, though.
What fun!
How nice of you! I should do this, too. If I win I would love Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad, which just came out in paperback. :)
You are indeed nice as all get out! Of course I already knewit. If I were to wind I'd like for you to pick one you think I'd enjoy. Not necessarily one I SHOULD read cause I'm sure there's a ton of those... in fact I have a bunch of that kind already around here. I need to get back into reading. The best bet for that to happen is for a good fun book.
The response to my contest has been overwhelming...and has given me food for thought about what I want to read next, so I'll throw my book wish into the ring:
The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy.
Regards from Di in Boca Raton, FL
Two more days until the drawing. I can hardly wait. I want to draw right now and find out who the lucky winner is. I'll be strong, though, and wait until Thursday. I won't draw before 4:00 Mountain time. I wish you all good luck.
Oooh! The God of Small Things is an awesome book. I loved it!!!
My choice would be Autobiography, by Agatha Christie.
Pick me! Pick me!
I would love a copy of "The Myth Of You And Me."
The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
Or Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
or The Historian. I've heard about these books but haven't yet read them. Thanks!!
I think it would be fun to offer a free book to readers of my site, but based on the comments, I don't think there are many readers.
You have TONS!
Can I?
If I win, I would like:
After This by Alice McDermott
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