On our recent trip home from a family reunion we stopped at a Whole Foods store. They had a sample of salsas set out that were tasty, but the item I was interested in was the chips. They had sesame seeds and other mixed grains and they were yummy. I asked the man at the counter if he could tell me what type of chips they were. He couldn't but another shopper pointed out to me where the empty bag was so I could see. I thanked him then noticed he was of a different nationality that what is predominate in Salt Lake City.
I thought he looked like he might be from India, so I asked him if he was. No, he was Israeli. I explained that being from Utah I wasn't as familiar with other nationalities as I would like to be. He was most patient and kind. We continued talking and I discovered that he was vacationing in Utah and was currently living in N. Carolina.
He mentioned he was an author and his first book was due out soon. He even gave me a card. I told him I sometimes reviewed books on my blog. We talked about his book and my blog. He was interested in my blog and told me he would love to send me his book for me to review.
He asked me to contact him on his website. I said I would identify myself as the lady who talked to him in the Whole Foods store in SLC. He said I could just say I was the lady from Utah and he would know who I was because I was the only one who had talked to him in Utah. How sad is that?!

A few years ago my niece told about someone who talked to her in the elevator. I said that was something I would so do. She said she thought of me when it happened and went on to say it annoys her when people do that. I was crushed. My sister then went on to say how much she hated it when people would stop and ask her what she was reading. Oh, dear - me again! I thought of how many people I had engage in wonderful conversations about books on a recent trip.
There were the two couples sitting outside their motel room in Thermopolis, WY - all 4 were reading. The women told me how the 2 couples have been taking short trips together for years. The wouldn't go far, but stayed several days and played games, fished and read. The women exchanged books with each other. "In fact, we both just finished this one by Lisa Gardner. We love her. Why don't you take it?" So I was given a free book by a new-to-be author that came highly recommended.
On that same trip I struck up a conversation with a high-school student who is a voracious reader. His favorite book was Dune. As we talked we both pulled out a scrap of paper and wrote down titles of books the other recommended. Soon his mother joined us and I add even more books to my list.
The other day at a restaurant in our home town I passed a table where two black man were sitting. One gave me a friendly look and an 'almost' smile so I stopped and asked them where they were from. (In my small Utah town we don't have the wonderful cultural variety that other places do - I are short-changed!) They were from Sudan. Candleman was with me and he asked pertinent questions about the strife going on in their country. It was very interesting. They were happy for the visit, too.
What about you? Do you wish people would just mind their own business and ride up quietly in the elevator? Leave you alone when you are reading? Are you the type who will engage in conversations with strangers?