This is another book that I didn’t read when I was younger, but I did see and love the movie. Again, the book is even better, but I can’t wait to get home and watch the movie again. Candleman commented how delightful it was to listen to Scout just after reading about Anne. Both are such loveable characters; and so wise. They taught me so much. Of course, I’ve forgotten the specifics and only retain that feeling of innocence and wonder and gratitude.
I talked with a young man (senior in high school) I met on the ferry from St. John, New Brunswick to Digby, Nova Scotia. He had read To Kill A Mockingbird a couple of years ago. He didn’t feel like Gregory Peck fit the part of Atticus in the movie. I thought he was perfect. He said he had seen Moby Dick first and always associated Peck with Ahab. We had a good discussion of books. Later his parents joined us. Candleman and I thoroughly enjoyed visiting with them. Also, they gave us some great book suggestions.
I finally read this last year after starting and not finishing it several times when I was younger. I loved it. Now I want to listen to the new audio version with Sissy Spacek reading it. I think she'd be perfect.
Love the book, love the movie. And isn't it nice to meet kids you can have a literary discussion with?!
I'm nodding my head with both SuziQ and Gentle Reader! I think it is just awesome the teen thought enough of the book to envision actors for the part. Possibly Spenser Tracy as Atticus?
I've never read the book or seen the movie but have thought for several years that I ought to read the book - just picked it up at the thrift store on Monday.
I have this book on CD out from the library but am saving it for next weekend when I have a 4 hour drive to make. I am seriously looking forward to it. I have heard such wonderful reviews.
I absolutely loved listening to Sissy Spacek read this book. Since finishing it a couple of weeks ago, I've moved it way up high on my very-favorite-books-of-all-time list!
I just read it this past year and rated it a 5. Now I want to see the movie and I'll bet Sissy Spacek narrates it beautifully. I love the idea of sitting on the ferry discussing books. Can't wait to hear your new book ideas.
I love the book, but I wasn't quite as enamored of the movie. I think I may have viewed it a little too soon after reading. Gregory Peck strikes me as perfect, though, upon reflection. Isn't it so fun to run into total strangers that you can discuss a book with, like that?
i read To Kill a Mockingbird as a senior in high school, and although i've not re-read it, i count it as one of my all-time favorites. it really had an impact on me as a 17yo.
it's so fun to hear book news of your travels! i hope you continue to enjoy the trip!
This is such a fabulous book!! It is probably my all-time favorite! I read it for the first time in high school, and probably 2X since!! But now that I've seen the movie, I just can't help but picture Gregory Peck when I read it!
I loved this book (and Anne of Green Gables)! Good for you to find time to read while on your travels. I've only read a dozen or so pages since stepping off the airplane in Seattle. We're enjoying our trip thru the San Juan & Canadian Gulf islands. I plan to look at your travel blog later when I return. Enjoy and be safe!
SuziQ, I wanted to listen to it ready by Sissy Spacek as well, but the gal that read our copy did a marvelous job.
Gentle Reader, visiting with that young man and his parents was quite a treat. He gave me some suggestions of his favorite books.
Maggie, I still can't see anyone else but Gregory Peck playing Atticus. I wonder who I would have thought of if I hadn't seen the movie before reading the book.
Me, can't wait to hear what you think of the book.
Petunia, don't you just love it that there are audio books to listen to on trips? What a blessing.
Robin, I may have to Inter-library loan the audio version with Sizzy Spacek reading it. I think she would be perfect.
Framed, the discussion started when I kept looking over at the boy sitting next to me who was reading a book. I wanted to ask him what he was reading, but know there are people who don't like that. When he finished and was fishing a new book out of his pack, I jumped on the chance. His new book was Orson Scott Card's Seventh Son. I recommended he also try Ender's Game. He suggested Dune as his favorite book.
Bookfool, it is fun to discuss books, both on the internet and in real life. His mom joined us after awhile with her own list of suggestions. It was great.
Alisoninwonderland, I wish my teachers would have had us read great fiction when I was in high school. I think they were totally amiss.
Stephanie, yes, definitely Gregory Peck.
Oh, Les, you are in the Northwest! Good, good for you! Actually, I am only reading 3-5 pages a day and those have always been in the bathroom. The books I've reviewed on the trip have all be audio books that I've listened to with my husband while we've been driving. Our trip requires lots of driving time. Hope you are having the time of your life. If I was sitting at home I'd be so jealous right now, but being in Newfoundland takes care of that. Someday, I will return to the Northwest, but I'll probably never get back to Newfoundland, though I would love nothing better.
We're heading home tomorrow morning. :( When you get a chance, take a peek at my blog. I've been (slowly) posting daily entries of our travels.
Have a safe trip!
Yeah, when you see an actor play one role, it can be hard to see them in another. The worst for me was seeing Chris Sarandon (Prince Humperdinck) portraying Christ. It just didn't go over.
I recently finished reading this and loved it too. I think I saw about 5mins of the film when I was younger, but might try and rent it and check it out.
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