John from
The Book Mine Set is hosting this challenge which runs from NOW until July 1 (Canada Day). The goal is to read 13 books (because there are 13 Canadian provinces, mate). He has lists of books from each of the provinces, but is allowing us to choose our own method for selecting the books we want to read.
My method: Read from the books I already own. I did an inventory and I have about 16 Canadian books by Canadian authors that I have NOT read. At least, that I KNOW are Canadian authors. There may be others, but for now, I have 13 books.
I Heard the Owl Call My Name
by Margaret Craven (British Columbia)
by Charles de Lint (Ottawa, Ontario)
by Charles de Lint (Ottawa, Ontario)
Anne of Avonlea
by L.M. Montgomery (Prince Edward Island)
Birth House
by Ami McKay (Nova Scotia)
Birds in Fall
by Brad Kessler (Nova Scotia)
Pelagie: The Return to Acadie
by Antonine Maillet and Philip Stratford (Nova Scotia)
Kit's Law
by Donna Morrissey (Newfoundland)
Random Passage
Colony of Unrequited Dreams
by Wayne Johnston (Newfoundland)
The Day the World Came to Town
by Jim Defede (Newfoundland)
Latitudes of Melt
by Joan Clark (Newfoundland)
A Word for Home
by Joan Clark (Newfoundland)
I'm heavy on the maritime provinces, aren't I? If I get all these read I'll be ready for a trip to some of the provinces I've never visited. Trips always spark a purchase of new, indigenous reading material.
Wow. I thought only patriotic Canucks did this kind of thing.
If you are interested in more Canadian literature recommendations, you could check out the Governor General's Lit awards. The G.G.'s are our highest literary honour. The nominees are up now, with winners announced November 27, 2007. Check out:
or canadacouncil.ca
Great list! I hope you don't mind that I lifted some of those titles to add to the list on my own blog. Btw, I think Antonine Maillet is from New Brunswick, which makes your list even more diverse.
Hope you do get a chance to go to Newfoundland (if you haven't already). It's my birth province and beautiful in so many ways.
I do this challenge yearly anyways. :)
You have a great list. I love the Anne series, I read all of those a long time ago. Once you read that, there are still a few more to go. I liked a couple of the later books a lot. One of these days I must reread.
I really liked The Birth House, that takes place near where I currently live, so it was nice to read about places I know about! Her new book is out in 2008.
I really like Donna Morrissey. I think Downhill Chance is my favourite, but I really liked Kit's Law when I read it too. She needs to write another book!
Some people consider Random Passage one of the top Canadian novels. I haven't read it yet, so I wouldn't know. I do own it though. Wayne Johnston is a good author and so is Joan Clark, I have read both of them, but not the books you are planning (I do own the books you are planning though...).
And, there are not 13 provinces... It is ten provinces and three territories. If you want to be correct, anyways. :)
Cereal Girl, the idea was to read books I already own, NOT go looking for more! Haha! I will be checking out the Governor General's awards.
John, My husband and I drove from Utah to Newfoundland this summer. We went through Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. So you can see why my list is heavy in those provinces. My father was stationed in St. John's for 3 years when I was a little girl. I am aching to do the same trip again soon. It was so awesome. Someday I want to get to Nunuvat - what a cool name.
Kailana, Thanks for the correction on the provinces and territories and the encouraging words about the books I've chosen. I'm anxious to get going, but I have a few other books I need to read first.
You actually own "Birds in Fall?" I've been trying to mooch it for months and I'm putting it on my list for this challenge. Can I borrow it when you finish? I'm going to try to read one from each province and territory, kind of a companion to my Book around the States list. Great list.
I've been meaning to read The Birth House for ages. Actually there are so many Canadian books and authors that I've been meaning to read for a long time. The Anne series was a favourite as a child. Happy reading!
I would love to participate in a Canadian Book Challenge but having had dismal performances with my challenges in the past,I am kinda nervous to take it on. I read Cereal Girl's comment and the Governor General's awards lists are a great resource for picking out good Canadian literature. Infact, I have just finished reading a book by the 2005 recipient of the award, David Gilmour. He won it for "A Perfect Night To Go To China". Good luck with the challenge, booklogged, that's a great reading list you have there.
The Giller awards are good places to get book recs too. I usually stick with those because there are so many categories for the Governor General Awards!
Another great-looking challenge. Birds in Fall is wonderful. I reviewed it last year sometime. You can probably find it easily enough by just typing the title in the search window on my blog. :) I've also heard great things about The Day the World Came to Town. Must. Read. Faster.
I read I Heard the Owl Call My Name, many years ago - wonderful book. I'd join in but I'm just fed up with challenges. Once I finish the RIP II, that's it for me until at least next year.
Hi again, Just wanted you to know that I added your name, link and standings for this challenge on the sidebar of my blog. Just let me know if that's okay and if so, when the number changes.
I'm in too. I'll be reading Colony of Unrequited Dreams too.
You are being an honorary Canuck, between visiting here this summer and now all the books. Welcome!
Great list too. I forgot about The Birth House - it's supposed to be wonderful.
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