You can win a copy of your own, but you must do more than just leave a comment this time. There's been discussion before on blogs about book covers. Most authors don't get a say in what the cover of their book is going to look like. (I think that's a strange practice.) That said, I would like you to tell me which cover you like the best. Those of you who like the cover I like will all receive a free book. Oh, just kidding! Everyone who comments, one way or the other, will have a chance to win. The author is only giving me one book, so I'm only drawing for one book. I just got a little carried away. Sorry.
The cover on the left is from the hardcover book and the one on the right is from the paperback. Leave a comment as to which cover you prefer and I'll add your name for the chance to win the paperback book.
I will draw the winning name of August 19.
I totally dig the hard copy cover! I dont like that on the paper back edition only the man's shoes have a ring on them. Odd.
Thanks for the fun and games!
I really like the hard copy cover also... it feels relaxing and comfortable like marriage should be.
I prefer the hard cover copy as well, perhaps because I can relate to it better. The one with the shoes feels odd to me as the woman's(?) blue shoes look almost like those of a child. Perhaps that's because my feet are nearly as big as my husband's. The rings (I think the "o" in "matrimony" is the woman's ring) also seem out-of-proportion in size.
Hard cover, definitely.
I like the hardcover, but I wonder if it's because I've seen it more. I usually tend to like the cover I saw first.
We often get different covers in Canada than the states.
Looks like I agree with everyone else; the hardcover totally drew me in immediately and is my favorite.
I think I prefer the hardback cover. Seems to be the consensus here. I mean, shoes have been done to death, but toothbrushes? Now, that's a new concept!
While I find the book on the left more aesthetically pleasing (I love yellow!) I think the one on the right is really my favorite for the fact that the male and female shoes are more representative of matrimony. The one on the left doesn't make a whole lot of "sense" immediately (although it might in the context of the book).
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
Well - not to buck the crowd, I have to go with the one on the Right as well: the hardcover is my pick. It just made me feel "matrimony" more than the other one. The other cover looks like it could say "living together" or "roommate" LOL
I'm with Becky. I like the one on the right better. The toothbrush shot seems a bit of a cliche. Plus, I love those blue shoes!!
Can't wait to read this book. I've read some great reviews in the past week or so and it sounds like a winner.
Back to the beach... ;)
I have heard nothing but good things about this book and will have to agree with the others. I really like the hardcover and the soft does nothing and I probably wouldn't pick it up.
Definitely the hardcover! I don't like the wedding ring O at all.
I like both covers, but the hardcover is probably my favorite-not sure why!?!
I guess I'm just weird. I actually like the cover on the right better. Not sure why. But I do!
I'm with Les - the colors used in the paperback copy are more pleasing (but don't include my name in the drawing please, since I already have a copy of Matrimony)!
I also like the hardcover mostly because when I read paperbacks I'm always so cautious as to not damage the book.
Love to enter!
I like the one on the left---it just has such an elegant, austere look to it. Please don't enter me in the contest, though---too many books to read as it is! I'll definitely drop a note on my reviews blog pointing people here, though.
I prefer the paperback cover; I think it is a lot more representative of matrimony than the other. It's a clever idea too. The bathroom is a little dark for my taste.
I think I like the paperback cover better, but the are both nice.
I'm leaning more to the papaerback copy because it's more sweet and colorful. I tend to stray to the bright and happy side when looking at covers.
I LOVE the bathroom one - that is where all marriage problems happen, right!?!? Toothpaste, toilet paper!! I love it!!
Not just toothpaste and toilet paper - but leaving the seat up/down. :)
You're a winner! Stop by here to get the details. :)
Hello! I prefer the hard back cover of the book the best. Please enter me in your delightful drawing of this book. I have read good things about it and would like to read it. Many thanks, Cindi
I think I prefer the paperback cover. It would grab my attention quicker in a store, that's for sure!
Don't add me to the drawing! I'll be giving one away, also. The more I look at the two covers, the more I lean toward the paperback version. The blue shoes looked too small when I first saw the cover. But from an eye-catching standpoint, I think the paperback cover really stands out. I still do love that hardback, though. I think I freaked Josh out when I said it looked a little chick-litty. LOL I absolutely loved the book.
I like the hardcover cover better.
I love the paperback cover. The shoes shows me walking together in life no matter what you face. The wedding ring on the mens shoes representing the weight a man carries with him in finding the right bride. The very pretty blue shoes, to me represents a confident woman ready to start a life with a human from Mars:). I do like the hard cover but goes well for some live in relationship or roomate..kind of idea...just my take on this ...but pls include me in your draw would love to get this book:))
I definitely like the hardcover better. The blue shoes on the other one look too small, almost like a child's. I'm anxious to read it though!
Interesting - today the post shows both covers the same, the hardbound is now the same as what the paperback is. Wonder why...
I also think the opinions about the covers are interesting. I wonder if it has anything to do with our perceptions of marriage? When I was single--the first time, ;0--I think I would have preferred the cover with the shoes. Now, in my second marriage (to the guy I should have married the first time around), the bathroom scene feels more appropriate - more homey and comfortable as someone else said marriage should be.
Here's a link to the original hardcover if you can't see it. (I couldn't.)
I like the shoes. I recognize that shoes and feet are kind of a chick lit cliche at this point, but I like the pairing of the shoes. The font I'm just okay with, but I'm willing to go with it. The sink I feel like has been done before and better, although I can't think of a specific example.
My vote goes to the shoe cover. please enter me into the contest. I have blogged about it HERE
I really like the hard copy cover also.
I prefer the one with the shoes. The other one looks like the cover of a Woman's Day magazine.
I have wanted to read this book since I first read the preview in BookPage. Unfortunately I haven't had the chance yet. Oh well. Maybe this will be my lucky day, er um.. chance. LOL
Of the two copy covers I definitely prefer the hardback copy. I don't think the paperback cover is awful, but I certainly don't feel it inspires me to pick up the book and give it a second look like the hb cover does.
littleminx at cox dot net
I like the cover on the right best from the paperback book. Thanks so much for having drawing.
I like the hardcover too. I was so drawn to a lot of books in the UK with covers so different from those released in the states. I don't really understand why they change the covers when they are released in paperback. Have only just stumbled on your blog but have had fun reading some old posts tonight.
I kinda like the one on the right the best, the paperback cover.
digicat AT
I like the toothbrush/sink cover best. :)
I like the hardcover the best. I think the warmth of the yellow walls makes it softer and more inviting. I like the perspective as it looks as if you are standing right in front of the mirror/sink when you are looking at the cover.
Please add my name to the book drawing, thanks!
I like the shoes cover kinda brings a sense of closeness with the shoes side by side. I'd like to be entered into the contest thanks!
Lol, I'm getting confused about which one's which- but I love the shoe cover the best as well! But I could definitely be biased coz I keep seeing it around more! ;)
~Lucy D =)
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