I read the first chapter which started with a great first page and I thought I had my hands on a really good book, but after being introduced to the father, the father dying, the funeral and Roastbeef telling his siblings about his father's dying request I thought the chapter should end. It didn't. Instead Roastbeef starts his journey and visits 4 or 5 states before the chapter ended. I was bothered, greatly. And the more time that went by the more bothered I was that the book didn't take a natural break before the trip. After not picking it back up for 2 days I started on chapter 2 today. I just couldn't get back into it. So that's when I decided I would give this book to someone who might thoroughly enjoy it. I knew I wouldn't be finishing it and I hate giving a bad review for an free book. Really, how could I after only one chapter?
I am sure there are many, many people who will love this book. It received the 2009 National Indie Excellent Award in the Humor category.
You can learn more about this book, along with some live TV interviews with the author, at this web site. You can also read a synopsis, the first chapter and learn about the author.
All you have to do to enter the drawing is leave a comment stating a place in your state or country that would be a wonderful place for my husband to sprinkle some of my ashes. Of course, this won't take place for several decades! but I can start planning can't I? I've already decided on the perfect place in my home state of Utah - the beautiful library in Salt Lake City. His instructions would be to take a very small amount of ashes in a baggie and place them at the end of chapter 1 of Roastbeef's Promise. (I say all this with tongue in cheek - I would like to have a green funeral and be buried in my home town.)
I will choose a winner next Sunday.
Where is your home town?
What about Bryce's National Park? If I really were going to have my ashes scattered somewhere it would be either there or Canyonlands. But let's neither one of us think or talk about it again after this, okay? Talk about depressing!
I thought we had to take your ashes on the mountain and sing "Scatter Sunshine." But I'll pass on the book. It could very well be a fun travelogue and I'll be very sorry, but I just looked at my stacks. There's no room.
Sorry that you couldn't get into this one, it sounds like it would annoy me as well. I was curious about this book after reading a bit about it on Library Thing. It sounded like it might have been an interesting read, too bad it wasn't great. You don't have to enter me in this giveaway.
The book sounds interesting so I'd love to win a copy. Sorry it didn't strike a chord with you. Sometimes that happens.
As for your request, well, let's see. In my state (Georgia) I would say to sprinkle some ashes in Savannah, so maybe you could join the rest of the ghosts haunting that historic and quaint town.
I am loving this question.
Well, I would suggest someplace kinda unusual. I always thought it would be "liberating" to have some ashes sprinkled from alcatraz in san francisco. Sort of an "escaping prison" feeling on all sorts of levels. Maybe not for everyone, but maybe for you?
Looks like an interesting book actually.
wheresmyrain at yahoo dot com
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