by Dan Bartges
I was most impressed by this little book. It starts off talking about brushes, paints palettes, etc. then continues with a discussion on color schemes, but it's not just a lot of words. There are pictures galore.
When he discusses color schemes there are pictures of the color wheel as you would expect, but there are pictures by great artists so the reader can learn to distinguish different color schemes. There's a chapter on How to Plan Your Next Painting's Color Scheme. I thought this would be helpful in planning a color scheme for a room since the rules are applicable to things other than painting.
I received this book as a review copy. If you are a painter, beginning or more advanced, I'm sure you would learn some helpful technique and tips from this little gem.
I've gotta get a look at this. Someone once told me that art is as much technique as inspiration. I'm not sure I believe that, but I've always wondered if I were taught the technique I might be able to express what I feel - visually. Thanks for the review.
Like I need something else to dabble in.
I use a color wheel sometimes when I scrapbook!!
This book would be very helpful to a friend of mine who is thinking of repainting all the rooms in her house. She is looking to make some drastic changes, but has no idea about colors. I will have to point her towards this review. Thanks!
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