This is the first in the Inspector Gamache series that I've come to love so much. I read this book and then passed it along. Recently I finished book three and decided I was going to want to reread this series. So I remooched it so I can reread it.
A Rule Against Murder by Louise Penny
Book #4 in the Inspector Gamache series was released on Sep 1. This book should have arrived last week. I've put off any serious reading so I could start this the minute it came. I finally gave up waiting for it and started Cleopatra's Daughter. Now A Rule Against Murder is on hold.
Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney
I read a delightful review of this children's book and well, with a name like Miss Rumphius, how could I not order this book to read to my grandchildren?
Relentless by Robin Parrish
Another blogger convinced me with her review that I'd enjoy this one. I wish I kept track of who recommends books that I buy. I keep thinking I'm going to start an spreadsheet to help me, but I keep procrastinating.
City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
This purchase goes in my daughter's library. I buy new books for her. Don't know why because I only buy used for me. Hmm... need to rethink this.
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Another for my daughter's library, but this is one I'm going to read as soon as I finish Hunger Games, whenever that might be! Kate already finished Catching Fire and Candleman's reading it now.
In Sheep's Clothing by Susan May Warren
This is another recommendation from a fellow blogger. Wish I knew who to blame for my hobby of buying more books than I can read.
The Archangel Project by S.S. Graham
Hmmm. . . Another I can't remember why I bought it, but it does sound good.
The Likeness by Tana French
Haven't read In the Woods yet, but I suspect I will love it, after all everyone that's read it did. Read lots of positive reviews for both books by French. Something tantalizing to look forward to reading.

Someone in the blogosphere loved this book and gave it such an enthusiastic review I succumbed to temptation. I've been a bad girl this week!

A Drink Before the War by Dennis LeHane
I own book two in this series and figure that I better start with book #1.

I absolutely love Andrea Barrett's short stories in Ship Fever and Servants of the Map. If you need to read one short story for a challenge, let it be Ship Fever which is the longest story in the collection with the same name. The Air We Breathe, though entirely self-contained, extends the family of intertwined characters that began in Ship Fever.
I was reading someone's blog who was reviewing The Narwhal, also by Barrett, which I've had for years. I checked to see if there was anything else by Barrett that I have not yet read and that's how I found The Air We Breathe. I look forward to reading more by this gifted author.
Mailbox Monday is hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page. Check out her blog to find more Mailbox posts.
It's funny how we can be such pushover when it comes to buying books for our kids new, and then not for ourselves!
I have City of Glass out from the library at the moment, and I think The Likeness is going to be the next book I read.
That is an awesome lot of books, interesting, intriguing.
Musing/Mailbox Mondays
Miss Rumphius is one of my favorites. Even my boys like her!
What a great haul of books. I would recommend reading the Cassandra Clare ones as well before giving them to your daughter.
Wow, now where are you going to put all those books! :)
You got some great ones here. I loved The Likeness and Still Life too. I need to get caught up on the Inspector Gamache series.
A lot of good looking books there! Enjoy!
Wow, you got a lot of fun books. I can't wait until I get to read Catching Fire (either when I win a copy or break down and buy one).
I found your blog through a BBAW post at We Be Reading.
Miss Rumphius looks cute (yes, I judge a children's book by its cover!); I'll look for your review.
I've read THE AIR WE BREATHE, but not Andrea Barrett's other books (yet!). She was at our bookstore about two years ago when it first came out - always love to hear an author read his/her work! It was very deliberate in the pacing, if that makes sense. Enjoy, it's a fascinating period and sub-culture.
Marg, I've been thinking about why I buy Katie new books and not me. I'm trying to instill a passion for reading and so if she's eager to read a book that's just been released I'm eager to get it in her hands.
Have you already read In the Woods?
Guatami Tripathy, I'll be over in just a sec to check out your delightful arrivals.
Tricia, maybe I saw a review of Miss Rumphius on your blog. I haven't had a chance to read it to the grandkids yet, but am looking forward to their reactions.
Vivienne, Thanks for the nudge. My daughter started City of Glass last night after finishing Catching Fire. She has loved the first 2 in the series.
Iliana, that's a good question! My new little library shelves are beginning to bulge. This buying books has got to stop!
Kailana, thanks. I'm sure I will if and when I ever get around to reading them. They pile up faster than I can read them.
Alyce, I'm so glad you came by for a visit and to tell me about Kristen popping my blog.
Dawn, it does make sense. I love her writing and the wonderful tidbits of information she infuses her books with that we didn't learn in history or science classes. I would love to hear her read and discuss her writing.
Great mailbox this week!
I screeched when I saw that you have Miss Rumphius on this list! My kindergarten teacher used to read it to us, and it's been one of my all time favorites ever since. Into adulthood I still find it magical, beautiful and just downright awesome. Enjoy!
ooo I want to read THE LIKENESS too. Can't wait to see your review!
Lots of good stuff there. Some of the books you mention have made it into my collection, and others I want to read. I will be interested to hear what you think about The Likeness and City of Glass. Both seem like great books and I have heard a lot of good things about them.
Miss R. is one of my all-time favorite books. I read it over and over again to my kids when they were little.
In the Woods is unputdownable. Some authors just seem to have the knack of writing like that. I must get this second one that you have. City of Glass looks good too, and I'm starting to hear about Catching Fire all over the place - which means I'd better go to Amazon to see what it's all about.
I'm seriously coveting all of your books!!!
Wow, you had a great week! So many of those books look so good.
Book 4 is out??? by Louise Penny? I feel Christmas buying coming on! Oh I can hardly wait, I love that series.....
and I love how you can't remember who wrote about a book that made you buy it....I bought a journal and I still can't keep track of everyone to blame! It's great, isn't it?
and I already buy books for my kids that are brand-new when I go to the used store for me. You can tell we're mothers, can't you? Though I do love new books too, the opening of the book for the very first time, the feel of the pages.....
I enjoyed your Mailbox Monday, Booklogged!
I really want to read The Likeness!
I want your mailbox. lol
I hope you enjoy The Hunger Games and Catching Fire as much as I did. Happy reading!
Diary of an Eccentric
Miss Rumphius is a favorite of mine and my daughter's. I got it for her when she was 6 or 7 and we read it together for years and years. She's coming home next week. I should get it out and put it on her nightstand. What a gem!!
I enjoyed Still Life, but haven't gone on to read the rest in the series. I have a copy of The Brutal Telling (the latest), but will set it aside until I catch up.
I wonder how you'll like Catching Fire... I thought The Hunger Games was the better of the two.
Yes, you will love both In the Woods and The Likeness. I'm sure of it! What a treat you're in for!
Ah, A Drink Before the War. What a great series. I have several favorite quotes from those books. LeHane is quite a lyrical writer. I would love to make time to read these again.
Another full mailbox!!! Must be nice. :)
LOL I just glanced up and saw your statement above this comment box! TOO FUNNY!
I can't wait to read French's books. I have them both, but just haven't gotten to them yet.
I love the Penny books and liked The Hunger Games better than Catching Fire, but it was still good.
Happy Reading, Booklogged!
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