I'm thrilled to bring you the second edition of Blogging Around the States. Last week I was able to share a list of book bloggers from my own state of Utah. This week we're looking at my neighboring state, Colorado. When I contacted Heidenkind and asked if she would be my first 'real' interview I didn't know she lived next door in Colorado.

Heidenkind interests include art, history, music, movies, television, romance, sci-fi, fantasy, vampires, mystery and YA.
Before I start with the interview questions I wanted to share a quote on Heidenkind's header that I think is thought-provoking and wise: "We always want to see what is hidden by what we see."
A now for some question/answer time.
Me: Tell us a little about yourself.
Heidenkind: I'm a nineteenth-century geek, and when I was teaching class, I would try to dress up like characters from the nineteenth century. I have brown hair, which I'm growing out, blue eyes, and I'm tall-ish and skinny. My favorite book is Jane Eyre, my favorite movie is Thunderheart, my favorite food is miso soup, and my favorite animal is the octopus--so basically, I'm all over the place. Oh, and my favorite color is purple. I grew up in the middle of a prairie and I've been a book addict since I was, oh, five or so. I have a master's degree in art history, which believe it or not is the perfect major for bookaholics.
Me: What do you love about your state?
Heidenkind: My state is Colorado. I love the mountains and the fact that things around here are pretty laid back and egalitarian. I love the mix of cultures here as well.
Me: Is there anything you don't like about where you live?
Heidenkind: Well, it's not exactly the best place for someone pursuing a career in art history. There aren't many job opportunities in that field around here--there aren't a lot of museums, and what there are operate on a shoestring budget.
Me: If job, money, family did not enter the equation, would you prefer to live in another state? Which one? And why?
Heidenkind: I really don't know. The other places I've lived, I didn't like. I would love to live in Paris. My town is kind of a black hole, though....
Me: If I visited your state what cities, sights, and/or activities would you recommend I check out, see and/or do?
Heidenkind: There's a lot to do around here if you're an outdoors person--drive to the top of Pike's Peak and freeze your butt off, go to Estes Park, visit the mountain towns like Vail, Aspen, and Breckenridge; visit Mesa Verde and see the Cliff Houses; hike through Pinon Canon and see the rock art and dinosaur tracks. Or you could just go to Cripple Creek and gamble. Or go to a mall. *gag*
Me: Who are some authors that currently live in your state?
Heidenkind: Frank Perretti used to live here; I'm not sure if he still does. Sherri Tepper, Barbara Samuels, Delores Johnson, and Dan Simmons. That's all I can think of at the moment.
Damon Runyun (wrote Guys and Dolls) is from my home town, but he's dead so he's not really living here anymore. I did always think it would be fun to see if he based any of his characters on people he knew here when he was growing up, though.
Me: Do you have a favorite book set in your state?
Heidenkind: Erm... no. I don't read books set in my home state. I did once and I wanted to burn it. Does this make me a terrible person?
I want to thank Heidenkind for taking the time from her busy life to answer these questions. If you have more you can ask them in the comment section. I had fun visiting back and forth through email and getting to know more about a fellow blogger and I hope you did, too.
Thank you for the interview, Booklogged!!! I'm honored to be your first "real" interview. :) You did a fabulous job!
I can tell already that I'm going to be looking forward to this feature on your great blog. I thought it was a good idea, when you suggested it, but it turned out way more fun than I even expected.
I appreciated Heidenkind's candor and found her interesting, very. Too bad Damon Runyun didn't have her to be a character in Guys and Dolls.
BTW, your new Fall look is fabulous!
I love the idea of interviewing bloggers from all the states and I enjoy Heindenkind's blog so this was a treat to stop in today and see her review.
What a great new feature to your blog! Hello Heidenkind - nice to meet you :)
I had to laugh when you said you don't read books set in your state. I can't remember the last book I read set in my state so I guess I don't either!
I love this new feature and hearing about Colorado!! Heidenkind is very interesting!!
That was fun! Colorado is my dream state. I'd love to live there. I have relatives in Estes Park and Denver -- and a thieving uncle in Colorado Springs, but we don't talk about him, anymore. ;)
Candleman~That would have been pretty awesome if I was in Guys and Dolls! Especially if I wound up with Marlon Brando by the end. ;)
Iliana~Hi! :)
Bookfool~I don't live in the mountains (way too much snow), but my aunt does and it's gorgeous! I love visiting her.
I'm really looking forward to this feature of yours, to meeting a lot of new bloggers. And your fall look is great; I love it!
Heidenkind, thank-you. I was so happy you were willing to do it. I appreciate you for taking the time to answers the questions and share about yourself.
Candleman, thanks for your kind words. You are always so supportive of my little ventures.
Sheila, I'm glad you stopped by. You are still planning on Oct 10, aren't you?
Iliana, you reminded me that I wanted to ask Heidenkind what the book was that she read and wanted to burn.
Staci, thank-you. It is fun learning more about the people in our blog-world isn't it?
Bookfool, Colorado is beautiful and it has such a varied geological landscape. Those mountains are gorgeous. Have you picked out an area or city where you'd like to live, if you could?
Hazra, after I get through the states I'm hoping to blog around the world - that will include a trip to India!
What a great interview! I'm already looking forward to the next one. And now I'm hopping over to check out this art history challenge. Seems interesting. . .even though I know nothing about art history.
I love Blogging Around the States. This was fun to read. Hi, Heidenkind! I've never been to Colorado, but I have said since I was a child that I wanted to go there. As an adult, I have said I want to live there. :) I love the snow! Everything I've heard and seen about Colorado is just beautiful.
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