I made an incorrect assumption about this book - I expected from the cover and the title that this was a cozy murder mystery. Also, Hughes co-authored several books with Janet Evanovich. Isn't she a mystery writer?
The first 80 pages were enjoyable with humorous, crisp dialogue and quirky, real-life characters. But where was the mystery? I kept looking for it. After some disappointment, I decided it just wasn't a mystery and I needed to get over it. Once I did, I enjoyed this book a lot.
Kate Holly is a psychologist who is a bit nutty in a funny way. That's the thing that made me want to read this book. Her best friend volunteers as her receptionist. Add to that a clientele of people with interesting psychological problems and Kate's life is pretty full. But that's not all, there's an sex-craved ex-boyfriend who keeps trying to get back into Kate's life AND a recently divorced ex-husband who wants to be part of Kate's life and whom she wants in her life (complicated) AND her eccentric mother and her aunt who own a thrift shop. AND one more major player in this book is the big-busted, beautiful new firewoman who works with Kate's ex-husband. Do I need to add that this beauty is hot for Kate's ex?
I liked this book and even ordered the first in the series, What Looks Like Crazy. It would make a perfect addition for travel or beach or summer reading. Or whenever you need a break from serious stuff but you want something more substantial than cotton candy. Hughes is a wonderful writer and her characters are real, some likable, some not so much. I did some searching and discovered that Hughes does have a few mystery/thrillers out there. I ordered And After That the Dark.
LOL -- at first I thought you had posted a recipe "Nut Cake" but when I got here it was "Nut Case." I think this sounds like a delightful read. It's going on my list for sure. Thanks for all your great reviews. They have really expanded my reading horizons.
Yep I would have assumed this was a cozy mystery too. I haven't read any of the books she's authored with Janet Evanovich but I haven't found the Plum series to be that big on the mystery either. they are funny.
Good thing you did enjoy this one though! Hope her other books are good too.
Thanks, Beverooni, for pointing out my mistake. I can't even fake a good excuse like the s and k keys are so close together!
Iliana, I lent the book to my daughter who has been nursing sick kids for a couple of weeks. Thought she could use some laughs.
Hmm, I'm not sure if I would like this or not. I have seen the author's name around somewhere (I think Iliana explained that one for me), but don't know much about her or her books. I think I'll look into her mystery/thriller books a little more. Thanks.
Great review. This book sounds perfect for when I need a good laugh. I think I'll start with the first one though.
I'm always on the look out for great summer reads!! This one sounds good for that!
I don't usually read books in this vein, but it sounds like it's a really fun and light read. I might check this one out, thanks!
Joy, the mystery written by Hughes arrived today. I'll let you know what I think about it as soon as I get it read.
Framed, I think you'd really enjoy this one. I lent the first and this one to Jen. After I read the first I'll pass them on to you.
Staci, it's always a bit sticky to recommend at book. I enjoyed this one and hope you will too. Let me know if you do read it. Love to hear your thoughts.
Zibilee, I don't usually read this type book either, but I found it quite enjoyable.
I have read "She Come Undone" and did enjoy it. You should give it a try. Then let me know what you think.
Great review! I'll have to read this and give it a try.
Cute Backgrounds
This does sound like fun! I'll be interested to hear how you enjoy the other books in the series.
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