Yesterday Candleman and I drove to the city to buy some new interior doors. We listened to The Tipping Point on the way and really enjoyed it. It provide some food for thought and discussion. Candleman began thinking about a "stickie" slogan for the company he works for.
Gladwell presents a new way of understanding why change so often happens as quickly and as unexpectedly as it does. He provides a wide variety of examples from epidemic diseases to advertising successes to Sesame Street and examines the levels at which the momentum for change becomes unstoppable.
He suggest 3 agents of change:
1. The Law of the Few - there a handful of people who bring the world together, who spread ideas faster than others. Or in the case of a disease, spread the germs due to greater contact.
2. The Stickiness Factor - the conent of the message that makes it easy to remember or easy to pass on
3. The Power of Context - "Epidemics are sensitive to the conditions and circumstances of the times and places in which they occur"
I'm reading Blink by Gladwell right now. Very readable and very interesting. It's all about making quick decisions based on intuition or your unconscience (sp?) I'd like to read this one as well.
I've been thinking about reading Gladwell's books. I thought that they might go especially well as audio books and it sounds like that is true. Thanks for the info!
Raidergirl3, after listening to Tipping Point I want to listen to his other books.
Kay, Candleman and I really enjoyed listening to this book. I found myself thinking at one point that he has a lullaby-type voice and why wasn't he putting us to sleep? I was trying to analyze that quality because I never did feel like sleeping instead of listening.
Sounds like a good book to listen to. Have you read/listened to Outliers?
I love your new header!!
I thoroughly enjoyed The Tipping Point and Blink! Can't wait to get The Outliers. Entertaining and informative, good qualities!
I have heard lots of good things about Gladwell's books--I am going to add them to my "to read" list! Thanks for the good review.
Sounds like there is an interesting mix of ideas in this book. Blink sounds good too. I think I would really like these books because they sound very accessible. Thanks for bringing these to my attention!
I purchased "Blink" sometime ago, which sadly, is still sitting on my shelf. I've been wanting to read this one, and Blink, and maybe someday I will. I think his ideas are fascinating. By the way, I LOVE your cherry blossom header: such a harbinger of Spring!
I really want to read his books but I just haven't made it there yet! One of these days I will!
I now must be one of the few people left who hasn't read this book yet. Love the new look, btw!
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