I hope I know what I'm doing starting a series that already has seven or books. I am starting them, though, because I've heard they were fun fantasies.
The main character is Artemis Fowl, a child-genius who is pompous and full of himself. Artemis decides he wants the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. He's still young enough to believe in it and he's smart enough to figure out how to succeed. He tricks an old fairy and gets his hands on the fairy instruction manual. From that he learns enough to capture a fairy named Holly.
A group consisting of fellow fairies, trolls and dwarfs set out to rescue Holly. It's really a fun romp with quite a bit of humor.
I will definitely be reading Book 2.
Oh yes, Artemis Fowl is one of the best series I have read in recent times. The other is "Bartimaeus"
This is a really fun series. I have read up to the fourth book. Love them. :)
That is the kind of internal dialogue that I have when I start a new series as well, although the last series that I started that was bigger than a trilogy has 31 books currently written in the series! What was I thinking!
haha, you could read this series like I am currently doing. Read book one and then forget that you read it... I totally forgot I had this series on the go! oops!
GO for it. (though number 5 (I think) isn't really up to scratch). If you the fact that Holly is in the Lower Elements Reconnaissance, otherwise known as Leprecon, makes you laugh, then this is the series for you.
I've often thought of this series but for some reason never have given them a go... now you've got me thinking again!
I've read the first two and thought they were very good - fun! I don't know why I never continued the series and now I should probably re-read the first ones before I do so... Thanks for reminding me of these!
Amey, Bartimaeus is another series I've heard wonderful things about. It's on my list of millions!
Mari, I hope I get to the rest of the series sooner than later.
Marg, 31 books! What series was that?
Kailana, with all the series I've got going and all the stand-alones it's hard to keep track sometimes.
Scrapgoddess, I loved all the humor: the Leprecon and the gaseous Mulch Diggums were some of the best!
DesLily, with your love of fantasy I'm surprised you haven't read these yet. Bet you would love them.
Joanna, I suspect you didn't continue the series because you became side railed by all those other myriads of interesting books that exist and tempt us in so many different directions. Am I right?!
It is a fun series and one that I can't keep on my library shelves because everyone is checking them out!! Enjoy!
I've had this one sitting on the shelf for months now. Glad to know it's worth giving it the space. Feel free to borrow my Bartimaeus series if you'd like.
I'm pretty sure that was it!! :-)
Staci, glad to hear that teens are enjoying it.
Framed, I would love to borrow your Bartimaeus books. Thanks!
Joanna, silly me! I see that connection now.
I tried to read this but really couldn't get through it. I'm not much of a fantasy person so it would have to have been really good to keep me reading and it just wasn't.
The Bartimaeus books - well, the first one, anyway, since I never read the others - are worth reading, though.
My teenage kids really love these books and have been wanting me to read them. I am glad you liked this book. If I ever get the time I will have to try them.
My oldest and I have worked through this series. He enjoyed it. It was fun!
I keep picking this one up and then putting it back...looks like I'll be adding another book to my wishlist. At this rate I'll need to live forever...
I really need to get back into this series. I read the first few books and I know I have at least a few of the subsequent ones.
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