There have been many good reviews about this book posted elsewhere on the blog and I'm just going to add - I loved it, too! This is one of my favorite books that I've read this year.
The book is written in letters back and forth from a journalist in London and some folks on Guernsey Island. It is the end of WWII and Europe is trying to put itself back together. I had a little bit of trouble keeping track of people for the first few letters but soon the characters became real to me, like good friends and I had no trouble at all.
Speaking of the characters - they are charming. I loved reading their letters. It was interesting to me just how much of their personality was revealed in a few simple letters. And how much we learned of the time period and the hardships suffered. I appreciated learning about the Nazi occupation of Guernsey Island, something I knew nothing about before reading this book.
It might seem like an oppressive book due to the subject matter and yet the overall feeling of the book is one of hope, resurgence, and love. I very seldom cry while reading or watching movies, but there was one part of the book that I couldn't hold back the tears. Don't put off reading this because it contains a little sadness. I thought the book was delightful. I strongly recommend it.
I will draw the lucky winners (lets's hope there's 5!) on August 26.
Other bloggers who are offering drawings for The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society:
Maw Books - I couldn't find a date for when the giveaway ends.
A Novel Menagerie - drawing will be Aug 20.
Brimful Curiosities - drawing Aug 24.
As Usual, I Need More Bookshelves - drawing Aug 20.
Books and Movies - drawing will be Aug 28.
Books on the Brain - drawing Aug 28.
All you need to do TO WIN is leave a comment telling me the title of one book you would like to own and reread. I know, I know - how easy is that?! But there it is. That's all I'm asking. That and PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS in unspammable code such as; booklogged AT gmail DOT com.The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (paperback)
by Marie Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. Dial Press Trade Paperback (May 2009; Originally published 2008); 304 pages; ISBN 9780385341004
Book Source: Review copy provided for free by Random House in conjunction with TLC Book ToursWin a copy! This review is part of TLC Book Tours, and Random House has kindlyoffered to giveaway up to (5) copies of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society to my readers. 5 COPIES! (1 copy for every 10 comments) Tell your friends about this one. Let's see if we can get 100 entries so I can give away 5 books. ***Giveaway is open to U.S. and Canada only.***
I will draw the lucky winners (lets's hope there's 5!) on August 26.
Other bloggers who are offering drawings for The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society:
Maw Books - I couldn't find a date for when the giveaway ends.
A Novel Menagerie - drawing will be Aug 20.
Brimful Curiosities - drawing Aug 24.
As Usual, I Need More Bookshelves - drawing Aug 20.
Books and Movies - drawing will be Aug 28.
Books on the Brain - drawing Aug 28.
I'm not entering the draw as I already have this but I just wanted to add my voice to yours about how wonderful a book it is. So sad the author has passed away.
I would love to own Gone with the Wind. I have read this one several times and need to reread it here soon.
Just one! That's tough, but I think it will have to be the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I've read it, but I don't own a copy.
I have heard only good things about this book. The title is quirky and interesting, and a book with such a title can hardly be boring. Please enter me in this giveaway. My email is ahazra DOT 88 AT gmail DOT COM.
So, I'm not kidding when I tell you that I was at Costco yesterday and I was so close to buying this very book to re-read. Would love to win it!
I won't enter as I have already read it. Just glad to hear you enjoyed it so much.
I loved this one too. I listened to the audiobook and the readers did a marvelous job of conveying the different voices/accents of the various letter writers.
I have already bought it and absolutely need to read it! But you know how it is when you have a list of about 50 books to read already. I hope to read this on in the next 6 months though :-)
Glad you enjoyed this! I loved it when I read it last year
Please don't enter me, I just wanted to thank you for a great, thoughtful review. I'm really glad you liked it, because this was a favorite of mine as well. I look forward to what Annie Barrows is inspired to write next!
I would love to own the complete works of Charles Dickens ( I know, tall order!) I have the books, and have read them, but I would like matching set for my shelves.
I am glad that you are hosting this giveaway, and if I win the book I am thinking of getting my book club to read it for our next selection. If I don't win it, I will buy the book anyway since your review is just the latest in a series of great reviews. Glad you liked the book, and nice review!
I would love to re-read and own A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry.
This book looks great. Thanks for sharing it~
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I'd love to own and re-read A Separate Peace. Thanks for the great book review and contest!
I still have not read this!
I loved that book so much! Great review.
I loved this book! I borrowed it from the library and read it twice before returning it. I would love to have The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society!
I'd also love to own and reread Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
Thanks so much
gaby317nyc At gmail DOT com
I'm not a re-reader of books. I can't find time to read everything I'd like to let alone re-read a book.
There is one I have re-read besides the scriptures though and that is Rachel Naomi Remen's My Grandfather's Blessings. I'll probably re-read it again too and my copy's loaned out so I'd like own another.
I recommended this to my bookclub but it wasn't accepted because so many had read it already! And they all highly recommended it.
A book I'd like to re-read would be the 'Foundation' series by Isaac Asimov. Read as a teenager, and I like to see if they hold up to the great memory I have.
mayamissani AT yahoo DOT ca
I enjoyed your review.
I rarely re-read books so it's hard to say. I loved "Mountains Beyond Mountains" and would like to own a copy of it in case I sat down to re-read it.
I'd like to own and re-read Pride and Prejudice
cyderry AT yahoo DOT com
This is one of the books that I want to buy and read again after having read it at the library. Also, Neil Gaiman's Good Omens. And I'm missing one of the Narnia books so I'd love a new set so that I can re-read them ALL. ;)
So, I don't want to be obnoxious, but I read a library copy of this book and LOVED it and want to read it again :) THANKS for the giveaway!!
I would like to own and re-read a copy of "The Thornbirds".
Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
There was a book I read in grade school, that I can't remember the title too. But I think about it often, and wish I could remember so I could buy it and re-read it. It was a kid's book, about a girl who was really shy, but wanted a bike so she tried to sell magazine suscriptions. She also had to read a poem in class (The LampLighter) and she told people "No Valentines" so she didn't have to deal with the attention. Amazing I can remember all that and not the title, lol. ~ L
I'd like to own and re-read Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney (1982), a children's book with a message as important for adults to hear as for children.
When Miss Rumphius was a little girl, she told her grandfather that, when she grows up, she will go to faraway places and come home to live by the sea. "That is all very well," he told her, "but there is a third thing you must do. You must do something to make the world more beautiful."
I wrote about the book here:
I'd love to own this one. I borrowed it from the library when I read it and I've wanted my own copy ever since.
Terrific giveaway. je2kids(at)yahoo(dot)com
What a wonderful giveaway! I am so excited to read this book... I've heard so many great things about it. I would love to own and re-read The Red Tent.
lisa (at) harpersolutions (dot) com
The book I'd like to reread and own: The Borrowers! I loved it (and its sequels) as a child, and now I'd like to share it.
teabird17 AT yahoo dot com
thank you!
No need to enter me, as I've already read the book. Just wanted to say that I enjoyed your review and am glad you loved it as much as I did. Would it be okay to link to your review on War Through the Generations?
Diary of an Eccentric
Don't enter me - I loved this book and hated for it to end. I loved your review too.
I have been wanting to read this book for awhile. It sounds so great. I would love to be entered. Thanks!
This is one my short list of books to read but it's hard to catch up with it at my library because it's so popular. Another title I would love to own is an autographed copy of C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Thanks for entering me in your drawing.
Lonnie AT ferretsys DOT com
Great review - I was not sure I really wanted to jump on the hype bandwagon and read this but you are VERY persuasive!
As to your question what book would I re-read...well, a book I just finished was worth a re-read already. If for no other reason than to catch all the details and delectable words I missed the first time. It was called North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley and is worth a first read and a second!!
Please enter me -
gav AT vaterlaus DOT org
This is one of those I want to read. We nominated it for book club yet there were so many great selections nominated... it was not chose for this round. I will get to it! :)
I've heard some great things about this book, so please enter me in the drawing.
Your question request, however, is not particularly easy as I think I already owe pretty much all of the books that I like to reread. Maybe the Little House on the Prairie books since my sister has claimed my mom's copies.
I'm going to mention your giveaway on my blog. I'm not sure how many extra entrants it'll give you, but it can't hurt.
morsecode dot k at gmail
I would love to own and reread William Goldmans's The Princess Bride.
I have been wanting to read this book for such a long time, thanks for the great giveaway opportunity!
emily DOT wittenberg AT gmail DOT com.
I would like to own and re-read Henry James The Golden Bowl
I would like to own and re-read 'Bright Young People: The Rise and Fall of a Generation 1918-1940' by D.J. Taylor. I love the interwar period and this book brought to life the personalities that populated this doomed generation.
I've recommended this book to so many friends and customers and am so pleased to hear that you enjoyed it so well. Did you know that someone has bought the rights to the movie? Oh, how I'd love to see Guernsey now, wouldn't you?
Don't add me to your contest. I already own a copy.
Cheya, your review is lovely! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review Guernsey as part of the book tour.
I am so glad you loved this book, too. I gave it away as gifts I liked it so much.
We've created a Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society Google Map for your readers. Every comment from that includes a geographic location or mention of place is either pinned or marked. Hope this is of use to you readers.
If you have any feedback please submit a review and we will take on board your comments. All in its early stages at the moment
Neil Inder
Submarine Limited
Guernsey Channel ISlands
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