Have fun reading Lisa's answers to my questions about her and about her state.
ME: Start by telling us a little bit about yourself.
ME: What do you love about your state?
LISA: As I said, I live in South Dakota. South Dakota kinda has a split personality- there's the mountains in the west, where I live, and the plains in the east. It really is two different climates and to some extent, cultures. Here in the Black Hills we have moutains and hiking, camping, Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, the Badlands and tons of outdoor activities. It's very small town living, but I love it.
ME: Is there anything you don't like about where you live?
LISA: Really the only thing I dislike is how slow Spring is to arrive. My family back in Alabama have flowers in full bloom while we still have winter. Still, it's not as bad as I expected it to be and contrary to what you think there isn't snow year round.
ME: If job, money, family did not enter the equation, would you prefer to live in another state? Which one? And why?
LISA: This is such a hard question! We talk a lot about how nice it would be to live in Tennessee, because we both find it to be really pretty. I loved my one and only trip to Vermont, which was in October, so it was stunning there. And I'd love love LOVE to live on the beach somewhere.
ME: If I visited your state what cities, sights, and/or activities would you recommend I check out, see and/or do?
LISA: I think I might have already answered this one! My favorite attraction is the Badlands, but you wouldn't go wrong spending a few days in Custer State Park either. If you were in the mood to lose your money, you could visit Deadwood. If you visited THIS weekend, you could go to the South Dakota Festival of Books.
ME: Who are some authors that currently live in your state?
LISA: Sadly, I don't know of any living ones! Laura Ingalls Wilder lived here, and many of her Little House books are about South Dakota. Frank Baum lived in South Dakota for a while.
ME: Do you have a favorite book set in your state?
LISA: I don't. I haven't read the Little House books since moving here, and the few SD books I've read have all been non-fiction. I'm open to suggestions though!
Thank-you, Lisa, for joining me for this interview. I enjoyed learning about you and your state. Happy Anniversary a day late - wishing you years and years of happiness.
I totally forgot to send a picture! Oops. Thanks for letting me do this, it was a lot of fun.
I love Lisa's blog,so I really enjoyed reading this!
Very cool feature!
That crayon carrier is way cool!!!! I would love to visit SD for sure!! Thanks for introducing Lisa to me!!
Lisa is awesome isn't she? Loved the interview questions too. I enjoy learning about my fellow blog pals.
Lisa, no problem about the picture. Using your profile picture will help reader's associate it with you.
Bermudaonion, thanks for commenting. Lisa's blog is relatively new to me so I'm glad I found her.
Kailana, thanks. Always love hearing good things.
Staci, I think my granddaughter would like one of those crayon holders. I've been to SD twice. Lisa is right, the west side is beautiful.
Ti, thanks for commenting. It cheers my day.
A great interview. It is fu to learn more about the fellow book bloggers.
Yay Lisa! I actually just got to meet Lisa a few months ago in South Dakota and I can attest to the fact that SD is a really lovely state (once you cross that middle divider she speaks of). The Black Hills are absolutely stunning. And of course, the kiddos are cute too.
Fun interview!
Great interview! I love this feature - you get to learn about another blogger, but also learn a bit about living in that state. Awesome! :)
Thanks everyone! Anyone who wants to visit SD is welcome, I'll play tour guide.
Booklogged, you're right about the picture, of course. A bloggers form of branding. (And there are a few more crayon rolls in the works for holiday shopping!)
Love this feature and enjoyed learning more about Lisa.
Another great interview, Booklogged! Hi Lisa! I love how you described the Black Hills area. I want to see it!
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