Wow! Book Club went really well. We discussed
Ship Fever by Andrea Barrett. In a
previous post I mentioned my concern. The biggest complaints were that it was a collection of short stories and they didn't end neatly with all the loose ends tied up. There's were lots of comments, questions and discussion. Someone even commented that they usually only spend 5-10 discussing the book before getting sidetracked. Tonight we spent an hour and a half discussing the book. There were so many insights shared that I found myself liking the book even more.
For next months meeting we are reading
One Thousand White Women. It looks like it will be interesting. Has anyone read it?
We already talked about you book club meeting, but I thought I'd say again that I'm glad it went well. Hope they continue on that path.
i love a great discussion of books!
but i also love books and movies that don't tie up all the loose ends. leaves me wondering.
I haven't read One Thousand White Women yet, although it sits on my two be read pile. I know of at least three people who have read and thoroughly enjoyed the book. Can't wait to find out what you think!
I did! I read it with a book club and we all loved it. I can't tell you much more than that because I wasn't keeping a journal at the time, just ratings. I gave it a 4.5/5. :) Enjoy!
I have read One Thousand White Women as well. It was a pretty good read. I might have reviewed it on my blog, but I can't remember when I read it anymore. I likely gave it about a 4/5.
Glad your book club went so well. I guess now you can keep them...for the time being.
Great news that your book club loved it. It's always satisfying when your choice sparks a lot of conversation. And I'm glad Barrett was appreciated!
Glad it went well...
I sent you an invitation a few days ago for the Something about Me blog...let me know if you don't get it for some reason.... :)
I read it a while back, and I didn't enjoy it all that much. Thought it was over the top and altogether awful.
Granted, I may have been having a bad day when I read it.
I'm glad your book club meeting went well. I know you were worried.
I haven't read One Thousand White Women, but it's in my stacks. I've had it recommended highly by several trusted readers.
Thank-you all for your pats on the back. Sometimes it feels good to be reassured.
Glad to hear things went well with your discussion!! I have read One Thousand White Women. Not my usual sort of read, but I thought it was pretty good, too!
I haven't read "One Thousand White Women" yet but it's sitting on the shelf. It just doesn't fit in any of my challenges. You can borrow it if you need to.
i'm glad the meeting went well! i was hurting for you over the last experience. i'll have to add your pick to my list ...
i'm not at all familiar with One Thousand White Women.
Hooray for successful book club meetings! Ours was last night, and it went until 10:30. I always breathe a sigh of relief when the book is thoroughly discussed, and even if I may not have loved the choice, I'm the wiser for having discussed it with people who do. Don't you find your horizons greatly stretched after discussing a book whether you liked it or not?
I checked out your profile, and we share a LOT of favorite books! It sounds like you have a great book club. I used to have one I loved, but then I moved, and haven't found a new one yet. Maybe I should start one myself!
Oh....I read One Thousand White Women last year and thought it was WONDERFUL!! I put it in the top 3 books I read last year!!
I really hope you enjoy it...and I'm looking forward to your review!!
I wish I had a face to face club in my area....but alas, there isn't one. That's why I love this online community.
I have this on my TBR shelf - I was planning to read it this month - but am running out of month :)
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