***The challenge is to read five classics during the months of January and February***
At the end of February there will be a drawing for all those who complete the challenge. I'm still deciding on a prize. If you would like to join along and read some of those classics that you keep promising that you'll get to, winter is a great time to get 'er done. Plus, there's something fun about joining with other reader's on a challenge.
It's not too late to join! All you need to do to join is leave me a comment when you have your books posted and I'll include you in the list below. As far as I'm concerned you are welcome to overlap challenges. Bookfool is hosting a Chunksters Challenge and Mizbooks is doing a To Be Read Challenge - both too fun to pass up.
Participants in the 2007 Winter Classics Challenge: (please let me know if I've missed anyone or if the link isn't correct) There are many new-to-me bloggers that I'm looking forward to getting to know better. Everybody's lists look enticing, so I'll be adding lots more books to my TBR list - all classics that I'll be able to choose from for next year's classics challenge.
1. Literay Feline - Musings of a Bookish Kitty
2. Lazy Cow - Only Books All the Time
3. SuziQoregon - Blogging My Books
4. Exlibris - Ex Libris
5. Lotus - Lotus Reads
6. Babel Babe - Behind the Stove
7. Jackie - Reading at the Nest
8. Orange Blossom Goddess - The Library Ladder
9. Joy - Thoughts of Joy
10. Hollydolly - Hollydolly Books
11. Jess - the Garish and Tweed blog
12. Kailana - Kailana's Written World
13. Stephen - Stephen Lang
14. Sara - Libromancy
15. Emasl - Random Jottings of a Book & Opera Lover
16. Caligula03 - Puss Reboots
17. Carl V. - Stainless Steel Droppings
18. Heather - A High and Hidden Place
19. Emily - Lost in the Pages
20. The Traveller - Around the World in 100 Books
21. Danielle - A Work in Progress
22. sfp - Pages Turned
23. Think Pink Dana - So Many Books, So Little Time
24. Fay - Historical/Present
25. Eva - Evagation
26. Kat with a K - from Kat with a K
27. Kucki - Kucki Cookies
28. Tony - Storyteller's World
29. MissyJoon - Persian Purls and Yarnovers
30. Beloved Dreamer
31. K -Bibliomane
32. Brandie - A Journey of 1000 Stitches
33. Aka Nik - Keep This on the DL
34. Henk - Masterpieces
35. Nessie - The Biblio Files
36. Iliana - BookGirl's Nightstand
37. Amy - Books, Words, and Writing
38. Dark Orpheus - Orpheus Sings the Guitar Electric
39. Michelle - Overdue Books
40. Mizbooks - Literary Cache
41. Sheila - The Sheila Variations
42. Annie - Reading is My Superpower
43. Stephanie
44. Verbivore - Incurable Logophilia
45. Tanabata - In Spring It Is the Dawn
46. Janet - Joyful Jottings
47. Bookfool - Bookfoolery and Babble
48. Raidergirl - Raidergirl3's Journal
49. DJ - Minute Marginalia
50. Jill- My Individual Take (On the Subject)
51. Mary - Marys Library
52. Lover of Books
53. Antonia - Flowerville
54. Bookish Lore - Literary Craving
55. Framed - Framed and Booked
56. Aimee - Aimee-isms Books
57. Melissa - Book Nut
58. Kirsten - Nose in a Book
59. Kristensdottir
60. Petunia - Educating Petunia
61. Chloe - *Insert Title Here*
62. Restless Reader
63. Faerie Rebecca
64. J
65. Wendy - Caribousmom
66. JaneFan - Austen-tatious
67. Mistihollrah - Four-ty Things
68. Maggie - Maggie Reads
69. Cheryl - Journey of Cross and Quill
70. Anne - My Ramblings and Readings
71. Melanie - The Indextrious Reader
72. Leann - Homeschoolblogger
73. Lynda - Lost in the Bookstacks
74. Shauna - Shaunarumbling
75. Sarala - Blogaway
76. 3M - 3M's Booklist
77. Tahnee -
78. Michelle -
79. Sherry - A Bibliomane Amidst Butterflies
80. Polly - Polly Want a Cracker
81. Booklogged - A Reader's Journal
82. Stephanie - Stephanie's Confessions of a Book-a-holic
83. Stacey - My Reads
84. Wendy - Wendy's Place
85. Susan - My Reading Adventures
86. Rajm - Links and Things
87. Country Goalie - To the Hilt
88. Paula - On a Rainy Night
89. Eva - A Striped Armchair
90. Stacey - Suddenly I See
91. Alyson - Fifty Books
92. Cheryl
93. Covers Girl - Between the Covers
94. Trish - Just Another Reader in Paradise
95. Rosangela - Bookshelves Bookreviews
96. Amy - Sleepy Reader
97. Verniciousknids - Vernicious Knids
98. Heidijane - Adventures in Bookland
99. The Duck Thief - Great White North
100. Pam
101. A Secret Place - Book Notes
320 X 239
200 X 149
150 X 112
150 X 91
The five classics I'm going to read this winter are:
1. Woman in White by Wilkie Collins (also counting as a Chunkster and TBR)
2. Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
3. Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell (also counting as a Chunkster and TBR)
4. Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert (Lotus recommended this one)
5. A Man for All Seasons by Robert Bolt or else something by Jane Austen
Bonus Read: Black Beauty by Anna Sewell (because I have my grandmothers copy that was published in the early 1900's or 1910's.
Hi, Booklogged! I am planning on joining in on the fun for the Winter Classics Challenge. I have several classics that I've been meaning to get to, but somehow never do. This is a great excuse to finally crack them open. I've just posted my list. Thanks!
I love the button that you have created! I am not sure if I am going to join in yet. I am in danger of being over committed in terms of challenges, but I might sneak a couple in!
Booklogged, what a wonderful button, it really is the cutest and I am going to enjoy displaying it on my blog!
I'm definitely doing the "Classics Challenge" and the other two (Bookfool's "Chunkster" and "TBR 2007") you mentioned, so there's bound to be certain books that will overlap. I will put up my list later today or latest, Monday.
I'm so excited you're going to be reading "Madame Bovary", I've read it twice and listened to the audio once and cannot wait to find out what you think of it! "Woman in White" was also going to be one of my choices, but I'm not completely sure yet.
Thanks so much!
Thanks for organising this challenge Booklogged. I'm so looking forward to it.I've put my list up. Now I just have to figure out how to get that gorgeous button on.
I'm in! I just have to figure out which 5 and I'll get my list posted. So excited!!!
Oh dear...what am I doing? I feel "reading deprived" at the moment, so this isn't a good time to sign up for more challenges, but I can't help myself. (It's just like going to the grocery store when you're hungry, not a good idea.) Being that this will not cause me to gain any weight...I'm in!!!
Yikes! This challenge now makes three!!!
1. Bookfool's Chunkster Challenge
2. Literary Cache's - 2007 TBR Challenge
3. Booklogged's - 2007 Winter Classics Challenge.
And I said I couldn't participate in ANY due to my own New-to-Me Author-Based Reads. I only have 11 to go, so I think I'll be okay. Oh my! Thank goodness I can overlap! :)
Since the books can overlap other challenge books, then I'm in! I have lots of classics I've been wanting to read but keep getting pushed aside. I'll post my list soon. Great buttons!
Yesterday I posted about my fears of being overwhelmed, etc. but I CANNOT resist joining this wonderful challenge. Love the buttons for this challenge too. (I'm off to choose my books.)
This may have already been discussed but when does a book become a classic? Does it have to have been published before a certain date?
Hi, I want to give it a try.
I will post my books tomorrow.
BTW, what is the code for the button?
LOVE the new button! I've updated the one's I had on my blog. My list has been posted already
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
The first two will be overlapping with both the Chunkster and the TBR Challenges.
Sigh. This is so very tempting, but I think I'll have to pass. I've already signed up for 2007 TBR Challenge, From the Stacks Winter Reading Challenge, and Bookfool's Chunkster Challenge. I've already compiled and posted my lists for those three and it just goes against my grain to switch books at this point. And of all the books I've chosen for these challenges, only ONE is a classic (East of Eden). I fear I wouldn't get anywhere near the five in two months for your challenge. However, I will watch from the sidelines, cheering everyone on! And I agree with everyone. I LOVE your challenge button!
Great challange but I am not sure if I can meet it. I am lucky lately to get through one book a month. The hubby has been getting ready for Iraq, he leaves today, and I have been so busy.
Hi again. I just wanted to know how to put the button on my beta blog. Do you have a code?
I just love them and the whole idea.
Hi Booklogged. Thanks so much for doing a Summer button :-) I've managed to put it up on my sidebar (yet another skill learned!)
I've made my selections for the challenge! Here's a link to my post: http://exlibris.typepad.com/ex_libris/2006/12/classics_challe.html
Let's try this again:
I'm definitely signing up for this challenge. I don't read nearly enough classics so this will be perfect. I'll have to think about my books but will post soon.
I am going to give this a shot. I just failed at NaNoWriMo so I thought I'd take the plunge in something else I have half a chance to succeed at
: )
My list is up:
Found you via Lazy Cow.
It thrills me to have so many willing to join in this challenge. I've enjoyed looking at everyone's lists. Of course, I want to revise and add to mine. Five hardly seems like enough when there are so many I want to read, but if we do this for several years, we could make quite a dent in our lists.
Orange Blossom has a good question. What, exactly, is a classic. Since I can't find an answer online - every place I look tries to skirt the issue - we'll do the same thing here. How about anything over 50 yrs. old that you feel should qualify. Is that vague enough?
Beloved Dreamer, I hope you got the email with the code. If anyone else wants the html code for your sidebar just let me know.
I think I'll be joining in - balance out all my YA choices lately! Woman in White will likely be on my list, too.
hi again, booklogged, just saw your comment to Heather - Naguib Mahfouz's book "The Palace Walk" which I have on my list was published in 1957 - that should qualify, shouldn't it? I can always change it if it doesn't.
i'm in.
i'll post my classics on my blog sometime soon, i promise.
I may have to find some short classics.. and what constitutes a "classic"? I may have to fudge a bit. lol
I am making a year round classics challenge, but I am hoping to read five in January and February, so count me in! If I post certain books, I never read them, so I have a large list posted on my blog. I like the buttons.
An interesting challenge and a wonderful button!
I'm going to post my choices today.
Ooo, good one! Let me search the stacks and make some choices.
Hi! I'm so excited about this challenge! Narrowing it down to five was almost impossible. I just had to keep reminding myself that the fun doesn't have to end in February. So my 5:
1.Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
2.The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
3.The Quiet American by Graham Greene
4.Rebecca by Daphne deMaurier
5.Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
I think it's funny that so many of us are into The Woman in White. Someone recommended it to me a while back and I've been meaning to read it ever since.
I want to join in but will not be posting my books until right before Christmas. I will put up a link back to here on my book and regular blog. :)
Great challenge - I have posted my list but here I am
Anthony Trollope - Kept in the Dark
Pot Luck - Emile Zola
Jo's Boys - Louisa May Alcott (have not read this for at least 30 years)
George Eliot - Scenes from Clerical Life
Persuasion - Jane Austen (I must be allowed on indulgence and this is it!)
Great challenge! Count me in.
My five are posted on my site.
Lotus, yes count it. It will be exactly 50 years when our challenge starts. I wish we could count The Poisonwood Bible as a classic, but I suspect we'll have to wait a few more years yet.
Oh, boy...what about a re-read? Is that cheating? I read Madame Bovery so long ago, before I had actually known true love and sex and so on, and I recently heard that to truly understand that novel, you should be old enough to have experienced these things. So I'm thinking of rereading it...but if that's against the rules, I won't include it.
In other words, I'm in, but I don't have my list yet. ;)
j, definitely you can count rereads. We can discuss Madame Bovary since I'm reading it also. Maybe it will be too steamy to talk about online!
I'm in! I will be posting my list in the next couple of days. What a fun challenge. Love the classics...
Okay, I signed up. I no doubt pushed all the limits of what can be defined as a classic, though!
I would like to be a part of all this. I am posting my books now.
Got my list posted! I'm so excited, I can't wait!
Heather F
here it is:
Hi, Booklogged! Just wanted to let you know that I am very excited about this challenge and posted my five books in my blog. This is a great excuse to start working on those classic books!!!
Carl, I'll give it the old college try. I've got this whole calendar of reading thing I'm going to unveil beginning in January. But count me in for at least 3!
Sign me up! I've thought long and hard about my list and am madly excited. Excellent challenge!
Hi Booklogged--I had a hard time narrowing down my choices, but I have them posted:
Booklogged, this looks like a fun challenge, and I'm looking forward to it. My list is up on Historical / Present. Now I need to go see what everyone else is reading.
I am in. I want to read
Moby Dick, Walden, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Night&Day and Silas Marner.
You can find me at: www.kucki68.blogspot.com
Hi Booklogged I am new to your Blog world...found my way via someone else but cant recall who...could you email me the code for the sidebar buttons
at bookwordz@yahoo.com
thanks so much
I would love to join this challenge! The button is the best, and I have a list of books a mile long so this is perfect! I will post my list on my blog later today!
Thanks so much for helping to motivate me!
Hi Booklogged! I saw your challenge at Carl's and would love to participate - I have only picked one 'classic' but it is a doozy that's been on my mind for some time. I expect I'll gather 4 more before February to finish. Thanks for organizing the challenge, I love the graphics! My challenge response is here, regarding Ulysses.
ps: visit me at Persian Purls and Yarnovers www.meandmyknitting.blogspot.com xoxo
WHOA!!! What a turnout! :)
Off topic: Are you having problems with Bellezza's Blog?
I just posted my list here. Thanks!
Count me in! I've posted my list at Storyteller's World.
I posted my list yesterday:
I see that there's one space left!
Here are my five books:
Don Quixote (Cervantes) - I've been meaning to read this for years.
Tristram Shandy (Sterne) - I loved the film "A Cock and Bull Story" and also the French book Jacques le Fataliste et son Maitre which was inspired by TS - so what am I waiting for?
Great Expectations (Dickens) I have no idea why I haven't read this.
Wuthering Heights I read it when I was 12, and didn't understand it... surely my comprehension has improved in 15 years?
And to reward myself at the end, Pride and Prejudice. A reread.
I've posted this on my book journal, Bibliomane.
Not to be a pain, but the link to me seems to go to the person above in the list instead. Thanks!
Kat with a K, thank-you for bringing this to my attention. I think it's fixed. Hopefully!
I would love to join in!
My list is up here
Thanks so much!
I would love to participate! My post is at http://keepthisonthedl.blogspot.com/2006/12/classics-challenge.html Sorry I'm not better with computers and didn't make that a nice clean link. But we all work with what we got, right?
You forgot me! LOL
My link is here:
<>< Mizbooks of Literary Cache
Great idea! As soon as I figure out a list I will come back and post. Count me in!
Overdue Books
Great challenge! Count me in. I posted my list at Masterpieces.
(A good excuse to dust off some classics and finally read them!)
My list is up Booklogged. Thanks a mill for hosting this!v LOVE the button
Done! I finally posted my list :) -- Thanks again Booklogged!
What a great challenge! I blogged about my list back in November at http://amynelsonmile.net/booksblog/2006/11/18/more-reading-challenges/
Here it is again:
• Bartholomew Fair (Ben Jonson)
• The Bostonians (Henry James)
• Dead Souls (Nikolai Gogol)
• Don Quixote (Miguel de Cervantes)
• Volpone (Ben Jonson)
Hi Booklogged, would love to join in the Classics Challenge.
My list of 5 is:
1. Candide by Voltaire
2. Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov
3. Sodom and Gomorrah by Marcel Proust (I'm still half-way through my Proustian reading.)
4. Emma by Jane Austen
5. The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
Ok, the list is up and posted here.
Looking forward to curling up with some warm winter reads.
Thanks. Great idea!
Overdue Books
I'm really excited to join the challenge! I posted my list here.
A couple of mine are re- reads - I figure if I was forced to read them at age 14 then it's about time I go back of my own volition and read them again.
So fun! I've loved reading everybody's lists as well.
Count me in! I've got so many good books staring suspiciously at me from my bookshelves. I must make things right with them.
I'm using that summer button. It's freezing here in New Jersey, but I always want the warmth.
I am excited about this! I have posted my list here:
I will be reading Alice in Wonderland, too. I just read Madame Bovary & loved it...
Piksea, I couldn't find your list on your blog. Could you let me know where it's posted. Thanks. My old mind is going fast!
Hi, a freind posted to her LJ about this... My list is here
I can't wait! (except maybe for the Bronte book... still, it will be an experience)
I'm definitely in...although it took me awhile to select my books. This is a wonderful idea and thanks so much for setting it up!
I finally posted my list here. Except for Wuthering Heights mine are all a bit more recent but I do believe they all fit the 50 years old criteria.
Don't forget me. I am doing this winter challenge. My books are posted on my blog
Please, please count me in!
I'm planning to participate, but haven't finalized the list yet. Right now, it looks like:
(1) Mary Barton (Gaskell)
(2) Silas Marner (Eliot)
(3) Middlemarch (Eliot)
(4) Howards End (Forster)
(5) Aeneid [New translation by Fagles(sp?)]
But I'm still dithering. My list will go up at: http://individualtake.blogspot.com
Great idea. Not really sure what the button is, but maybe just a picture I can put into my journal, via photobucket? Sounds good. Now, the list. I wasn't sure what a classic was, but sounds like nearly anything from dailylit.com would apply. I shall check there first, and then post on my journal.
Maybe now my journal will link up.
Raidergirl, I can get to your blog. Can you send an site address? Thank-you.
Raidergirl, I meant! I can NOT get to your blog.
This is so thrilling to have so many sign up for this challenge! It's going to be great fun reading classics, knowing that around the blog, there are so many others doing the same thing. Several are reading the same books and that should give way to some good discussion, even for those who didn't read the same book.
Looking forward to the chit chat and hearing about the things learned.
I'm a dolt. Sorry.
If I don't enter the address correctly, again.
crosses fingers
I'm at livejournal, raidergirl3.
Love the idea.
I'm also delighted to join the challenge -- an incentive to tackle (or finish) books I've been hoping to read for years. My list is up at
minutemarginalia.blogspot.com -- decorated by the lovely button. Thanks for making it available!
Hi booklogged,
You could put your name as the title of the comment on lj. It will still say anonymous, but your name is at the top. It won't link up, but we would know who you are. Just an idea
can I still take part in this? It looks like a jolly nice idea.
I've chosen my five classics - children's classics - and posted them on my blog. I can't wait for January 1st.
I have jumped the gun and read my first book for this challenge. Review here:
No, Antonia, it is not too late to join up. I hope you will. Leave me a comment when you get your list posted on your blog and I will add you to the list. Welcome!
I would like to participate too and try. I have my 5 already picked out. :)I'll go post it now. :)
ok, added mine :) jolly charming idea, this challenge.
thanks for adding me :) I put one of the cute little photeys also in my blog :)
Hi, Booklogged! What a wonderful idea! Do count me in. You've just given me the little nudge I needed to tackle these classics. Oh! my list is up and thanks for the summer button!
I've posted six books for this challenge here: http://framedandbooked.blogspot.com/2006/12/winter-classics-challenge.html
I'm hoping to finish four, five would be outstanding.
I would love to join this reading challenge I just have to know what classics Im going to pick
Thanks Aimee
Hey -- I'm going to give this whole challenge thing a try. My list should be up on my site shortly! (We'll see how I do...)
Mind adding me to your list? :) Great idea for a challenge!
Add me, too. Thanks!
I LOVE classics! Thanks for this challenge. I've posted my list at my blog.
Hi there! I just stumbled upon this challenge and I would LOVE to join in!
Scurrying over to post my list....
Could you add me?
I'm in! Here's my list.
OK, I finally have my list! I'm going to read:
Madame Bovary - Flaubert
Tell My Horse - Hurston
Henry and June - Nin
The House of Mirth - Wharton
East of Eden - Steinbeck
Yay! Should be fun! Thanks for the motivation!
Could you add me to the challenge. I've posted my reads at my blog: http://caribousmom.blogharbor.com/blog
Thank you!
Hello! I'd like to join in - my list is here:
thanks for the inspiration!!
Hi! I'm joining in! I don't have my list quite yet...need to do some research. I will post my list as soon as I know!
Here my blogspot:
My Blog
Sorry it took so long to join in. I just don't think I can do it w/ all the other book assignments, BUT Lake of Oz-Fic Chic has added a list of short classics to help in the challenge. So, I'm going to peruse her list and pick five really short ones! Feel like a high schooler again! ;)
I'm in and my list is up!
I hope it's not to late to join in and OK since I am extremely new to the book blogging world. I was so intrigued by your challenges that I had to join in. My blog, new though it is can be found at My Ramblings and Readings... my choices are posted there.
Sign Me Up! Here is my list:The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy (60pgs), Death in Venice by Thomas Mann (71pgs), Daisy Miller by Henry James (83pgs), The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery (83 pgs), & Billy Budd by Herman Melville (98pgs). The link is http://maggiereads.blogspot.com/2006/12/winter-classic-challenge.html
Thanks for doing this!
Thanks for the great challenge, Booklogged! I'm joining in with my five choices, just now posted on my blog. It's so hard to pick only five... :) I'm still working on my Overdue Books Winter challenge, so there will be one overlap, but this challenge is an inspiration to continue.
Right, my list is posted on my blog. My blog is at www.indextrious.blogspot.com
Finally got my reading list up and you can see it here...
Oh this sounds great. Can you please add me to your list of participants...my list is up...
I just found out about this challenge and hope it's not too late to join. I posted my list here.
Hey booklogged...I'm going to try for this challenge. Don't know if I'll make it, but I'm going to give it a whirl.
Hi, I tried to sign up yesterday but I'm not sure it went through. My list is up on http://sharala.blogspot.com/2007/01/books-books-and-more-books.html
and here are my 5 classics.
1. Mrs. Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf
2. The Metamorphosis, In the Penal Colony and Other Stories, by Franz Kafka
3. A Walker in the City, by Alfred Kazin
4. Life Studies and For the Union Dead, by Robert Lowell
5. Letters from Hawaii, by Mark Twain (ed by A. Grove Day)
Thanks and sorry again if this is redundant.h
I won't be able to participate, but what a great turnout!
Btw, I love the little falling snowflakes!
Great idea!
1. The Woman in White
2. Heart of Darkness
3. Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
4. Silas Marner
5. The Birds
I want to join in on the fun!
Here's my list:
1. Wuthering Heights by Charlotte Bronte
2. Animal Farm by George Orwell
3. Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
4. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
5. Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen
Wow, booklogged, so many participants, how wonderful!!! Love the snow effect on your blog - it's just beeyootiful!
Tahnee, welcome to the classics challenge. Do you have a blog I can add along with your name on the participant list?
This sounds like fun! I'd like to join. I don't have a blog to post so here is my list.
"Little Women" Louisa May Alcott(unabridged)
"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" Betty Smith
"Treasure Island" Robert Louis Stevenson
"The Death of Ivan Ilych" Leo Tolstoy
"Emma" Jane Austen
Me! Me! I want to join too! This is perfect because I started "Sense and Sensibility" on the 1st! Talk about great timing!
I'd like to sign up under my other blog name:
I will get my list up tonight!
My name is Sherry/Bibliomane Amidst Butterflies
p.s. Sorry, here is the link to my post with my five books in it:
Sherry (Bibliomane Amidst Butterflies)
If it's not too late, I would like to join too.
Polly http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Polly/
Hiya! I did create a final list gthat has more than Ulysses in it, though even if I only make it through Ulysses by the deadline I shall be quite pleased. This may be more of a "2007" challenge for me as interesting, unlisted books keep popping up demanding to be read...
Hi! I'd love to join in, if it's not too late!! Damn, I need to have my head examined for this one! I just signed up for the 2007 TBR challenge too. My link is http://stephaniesbooks.blogspot.com/. I hope it's not too late!
Joining in :)
I would like to join your Winter Classics Challenge, 2007.
My list includes:
Anne of Windy Poplars
Anne's House of Dreams
The Yearling
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibility
That is a list of 6; maybe I can actually manage the 5!;-)
OK...If I can still join in, I'd like to give you my list of 5 Classics:
A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway.
The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton.
My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier.
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller.
The Tenant of Whitefell Hall by Anne Bronte.
Stephanie (http//stephaniesbooks.blogspot.com/)
Ha!! I just read your comments on my blog and started laughing! Holy cow, if I was trying to keep track of this many people in a challege, I'd be WAY worse!! I'm blaming Kelly for this anyway. She's the bad influence that is talking me into all these challenges!!
I added a post to my blog about the challenge. I'll also add a list or a link or something later tonight!!
Hi :) I'd love to be included in the challenge. Five books will be tough for me to read in two months but I'll try my best to squeeze them in. My reading list is up on my newly created site, My Reading Adventures. The url is: www.myreadingadventures.blogspot.com
Do we post here when we finish our classics? I just finished one on my list: The Awakening by Kate Chopin (one down four to go)
...rushes up to the start line! Many thanks for this opportunity. I've put my classics here but they are:
JK Jerome 3 men in a boat
E M Forster Where Angels Fear to Tread
Henry James The Turn of the Screw - is this cheating? being rather of a short story!
Hermann Hesse Steppenwolf
Dostoyevsky Crime and Punishment
Mine is up over at http://www.homesteadblogger.com/Affected/39832/winter+classics+challenge.html
Hi! I'm just wondering if I can still join, or if now it's too late. :)
I'm very new to the book blogging world, but I love my classics.
I would like to join and have posted by choices on my site. Thanks!
I have posted my book choices on my blog. Please add me to the Classics Challenge! Thanks!
Is it too late to join in your Classics Challenge? I've been thinking that I wanted to read a few classics and now that I have my new reading plan, I think I'll be able to do it. That is, if it's fair game to listen to them in the car in stead of actually reading them. I'm going to post my list right now.
P.S. Do you realize that your "2007 Winter Classics Challenge" post has a number of pictures of differing sizes included in it? Just thought maybe you were just using those to put on your blog elsewhere and meant to delete them.
Could I get the html code for the Challenge button as well? Thanks!
I wish to join the challenge. Here are my 5 books:
1. Age of Innocence
2. Lady Chaterley's Lover
3. The Bostonians
4. Mansfield Park
5. The Sun Also Rises
Maybe this will finally motivate me to finish some of the classics that have gathered at the bottom of my TBR box . . .
I've narrowed down the list and posted it (along with that wonderful seaside snowman - love it) so sign me up!
I'll join too - will have to put up a new blog for it...Just Another Reader in Paradise...
will set up later...
I already posted my list:
Hi, again.
I am from São Paulo (city) / Brazil. Thanks for include me.
Wow. VERY cool idea. I'm not currently reading any of the ones on your list, but I did just finish Tolstoy's Anna Karenina which I would definitely call a classic. Not sure what I'll pick up next...I'll peruse some of the comments here and get some ideas.
Thanks for pointing me in the direction of some great reads!
I would like to join your classics challenge! You will find my list posted on my blog.
My first review is posted:
Hi Booklogged, I love this idea. My list is posted here: http://verniciousknids.blogspot.com/2007/01/2007-winter-classics-challenge.html
Looking forward to getting some heavy duty reading done!
Better late than never...
Here is my list: http://adventuresinbookland.blogspot.com/
Good luck!
P.S. Very excited...
Hi Booklogged!
A few days ago, I think I posted a question on a participant's blog instead of here in merry-go-round day blur. I heard of this fun challenge from seeing your **awesome button** on several sites who participate in Poetry Thursday with me, like Beloved Dreamer.
Question #1: Is it ok with your rules to participate even if I'm not sure I can complete the challenge of 5 within a month, given my real life committments? I know I can read at least one book, which would be Madam Bovary because I enjoyed it so much in high school I'd love to re-read it, now as a grown woman.
Question #2: Can the classic be any classic or is there a list I'm supposed to find on your site?I can probably read more than one if the classic can be any length? [I saw a list of short classics on someone's blogs.
Question #3: Will there be a forum here for chat discussion on the classics we each read or are we supposed to post our summaries/opinions/analysis of the ones we read on your blogs?
Superb idea! I also love the soothing background feel to your blog. I love to paint winter tree scenes. I'd like to participate. I'll check back here before I post my list. You can email me w/ the answers (or direct me via link if it's on your blog somewhere) and button code at ArtsyGeL18 at g m a ildot.com (no spaces). Thanks! :)
I love that I found your blog and this challenge. I'd like to sign up.
My five books are:
The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
Othello - Will Shakespeare
I have my own list of "Books to Read Before I Die" and this is a great opportunity to cross off a few.
Hi...just found your website and love the idea about a classics challenge. If I can still join my five classics are:
1) Mansfield Park-Jane Austen
2) Madame Bovary-Gustave Flaubert
3) Tess of D'Urbervilles-Thomas Hardy
4)The Scarlet Letter-Nathaniel Hawthorne
5)Wuthering Heights-Charlotte Bronte
I just noticed that you have me there, J, but no link or anything. So sorry! My blog is at http://jellyjules.com, and the post where I talk about the books I will read is here: http://jellyjules.com/?p=479
I have finished 2 books so far, East of Eden and Henry and June, and I have three left, Madame Bovary, The House of Mirth, and Tell My Horse. :)
Thanks for the fun!
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I have several classics that I've been meaning to get to, but somehow never do. This is a great excuse to finally crack them open. I've just posted my list. Thanks!
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