Back to this new challenge. It's being hosted by Callista at S.M.S Book Reviews. It sounds fun and Callista has designed an awesome button besides! Here are the rules:
1. This challenge will run September 1 - December 1. (3 months)
2. Your challenge is to pick and read at least 3 books that were made into movies. There is a LARGE list here.
3. You can use books that fulfill other challenges if you want but you must read them AFTER
Sept. 1.
4. If you'd like to participate, pick your books (at least 3) and post them on your blog with a link back to this challenge so others can participate. Then go back there and add yourself to the Mr. Linky. Check back here for other participants and more news.
5. It is not required that you watch the movies and compare them to the books but this would be a good idea if you want to.
My choices for this challenge are:
***The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington
***Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
***Random Passage by Bernice Morgan
***Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
***Random Passage by Bernice Morgan
Thanks, Callista for inventing this great new challenge. I'm excited about it and hope to finish all 3 books AND watch the movies. It will be fun to read and watch with a mind set to compare the nuances, differences and similarities between the two. I talked with a young man on a ferry trip this summer who had an assignment like this for his English class. He said most of the students were very excited about this assignment and completed it. (They only needed to read one book and watch the movie.) Then they prepared and presented their report to the class. I told him I was envious that I never got to do a fun assignment like that. Low and behold! Now I get to!
I'm afraid I've only heard of one of the books on your list and even with that one, I didn't know there was a movie made about it (Devil in the White City). I very much look forward to your thoughts on the books.
I never had an assignment like this for school either. It sure would have been a fun one though.
This sounds like a fun challenge. Maybe I should join this one.
I can't join another Challenge, but I can feel your pain at remodeling. Ick!!!
Did you enjoy Chicago?
I'm passing on further challenges, but this one is so tempting! I have The Magnificent Ambersons, here. I'll look forward to reading your thoughts, as I haven't yet read it.
As to the remodeling, I hope yours goes faster than ours. We have no basements, here, but we've been flooded. It took us several years to fix things up.
Oh, Random Passages is supposed to be a good choice! She has a new book coming out later this year, but I really need to read this book by her.
Oh the 1 sept deadline... I have already have "Stardust", Harry Potter series, Guns of Navarone and Princess Bride on my blog...
And you might not believe me, but yesterday I was thinking of making a separate section for such books. So I might just take up the challenge.
I need to throw caution to the wind and join more challenges too :)
I've been doing bad on all of them but still fun. I have watched a couple of movies recently that make me want to read the books so I may just join in this one too.
Literary Feline, I did a little searching and discovered there is NOT a movie for Devil in the White City. I did see a commentary of it featuring Gene Wilder while visiting Chicago. I found this link on amazon.com that says it's a documentary on the Expo not the book. After debating back and forth I think I still read it and then watch the commentary and do a review. Should still be a fun experience.
Alyson, I hope you do join. It will be fun to see what books you'll choose.
Bellezza, it's nice to know we are not alone in our pain, isn't it? I'm trying to keep my eye on the finish product.
Bookfool, I admire your fortitude.
Kailana, I think she has a sequel to Random Passages. I'm excited to get started on them.
Fleiger, You haven't seen Princess Bride yet?! I hope you love it. It's one of my favorite. Surely you have enough there that you can put off reading a few until Sept. No?
Iliana, I urge you to join. If you don't finish, so what? You don't qualify for a prize, but you still had fun working on it. Right?
This sounds like a tempting/fun challenge, but oh dear, I really need to stop signing up for these things!!
I read your post about the basement damage and oh, my heart goes out to you. What a mess and nightmare. How lucky/blessed you are to have such a wonderful family and community of friends to pitch and help while you were away. We came home from a trip once to discover the A/C condensation line had plugged and caused a bit of a minor flood in the basement, but nothing like what you experienced. Hang in there! This too shall pass.
Thanks, Les for the kind encouragement. I know it will pass and in the meantime we'll have fun planning and implementing. And in the end we'll almost have a new house.
Les, I meant to say that I am extremely blessed and so thankful to all who helped us out.
Hmmm. I haven't been planning to join this one because I have so many other challenges, but it IS only three books. And you have some good points about bailing -- it's not like the challenge police come after you, right?
Challenge Police??? There are Challenge Police?? Egads!!!! I really thought I was going to pass on this one, but I hate to be left out. Mmmmmm. Something to think about. I swear picking out the books to read is almost as much fun as reading them.
This sounds like a lot of fun! I've never joined a challenge on Blogger before so if I can work out how to do it (all the links and so forth) I will. I have three books chosen so that's a start...
Random Passages is a great book. There is supposed to be a follow-up, but I'm not sure what the title is.
Oh, I have seen the Princess Bride and loved it, though I saw it before I got my hands on the book (I didn't know the movie is based on a book).
True, I will put off some of the books till September now that I know of this challenge.
Oh my goodness, where do you hear about all these challenges booklogged? :)
This sounds like a really nice challenge, but I have all my reading cut out for me until the winter, so sadly I'll have to pass. Good luck with the challenge, I know you'll have fun doing it!
Thanks for participating!
I haven't read any of the books on your list...it will be fun to read your reviews. Good luck with your remodeling!
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